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Bartley Hildreth Georgia State University, USA

W. Bartley Hildreth is professor public policy and management, and former dean, at the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies at Georgia State University. Previously at Wichita State University he was the Regents Distinguished Professor of Public Finance and also director of the Kansas Public Finance Center. His research on public budgeting and finance, public administration, and other topics has been published in Public Budgeting & Finance, National Tax Journal, Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting, and Financial Management, Public Administration Review, Journal of Public Administration Education, Government Finance Review, Public Performance and Management Review and other journals. He received the 2008 Aaron Wildavsky Award for lifetime scholarly achievement in public budgeting and financial management. He has written numerous books including Budgeting: Politics & Power (with Carol Lewis) that was published in its second edition in 2013. In 2012 he was elected as a fellow on the National Academy of Public Administration. He received his Ph.D. in Public Administration from the University of Georgia in 1979.