Bharat Dahiya Senior Lecturer, Bualuang ASEAN Fellow, College of Interdisciplinary Studies, Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand
Dr. Bharat Dahiya holds a PhD in Urban Governance, Planning and Environment from the University of Cambridge, UK. He combines research, policy analysis and development practice aimed at examining and tackling socio-economic, environmental and governance issues in the global urban context. Since early-1990s, His research and professional work has focused on sustainable cities and urbanization, sustainable and inclusive cities, urban environment and resilience, strategic urban planning and development, and urban governance. Working with the World Bank, UN-Habitat, Asian Development Bank, United Nations University, and UNDP, he has provided policy advice and technical support to national and local governments. He has initiated, led and managed international projects on sustainable urban development in the Asia-Pacific region.Whilst working on operational projects, Bharat contributed to knowledge generation and management, especially through meta research and review of policies, programmes and projects. At the World Bank headquarters, he conducted the first-ever systematic review of the Bank’s investments for improving urban liveability, published as a co-authored book, Urban Environment and Infrastructure: Toward Livable Cities. He conceptualized and coordinated the preparation of United Nations’ first-ever report on The State of Asian Cities 2010/11 (also available in Chinese), and co-authored Partnering for Sustainable Development: Guidelines for Multi-stakeholder Partnerships to Implement the 2030 Agenda in Asia and the Pacific. Bharat is co-editor of New Urban Agenda in Asia-Pacific: Governance for Sustainable and Inclusive Cities (forthcoming, Springer).
Bharat is Series Editor of SCOPUS-indexed Springer book series, Advances in 21st Century Human Settlements. He has held academic positions in Australia, Indonesia and Thailand. Reuters, Inter Press Service, SciDev.Net, Nishi-Nippon.