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Career Studies

Career Studies

Four Volume Set
Edited by:

November 2012 | 1 592 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd

These four volumes bring together the best and most significant work in the career studies literature canon to date. The articles in this major work have been masterfully selected by the set's esteemed editors for their exceptional impact and influence, as well as to demonstrate the range of disciplinary perspectives that have been used as different lenses to understand the concept of "career." The result is a highly comprehensive yet user-friendly collection, which includes material on both "vocational" and "organizational" career studies; a true touchstone text for any scholar interested in expanding their knowledge of this far-reaching field.

The set is organized around four central themes:
Volume 1: Foundations of Career Studies; taking a look at historical material on the development of career studies within different disciplines
Volume 2: Careers in Context; considering careers in relation to their surrounding social structures
Volume 3: Careers as Human Experience; attending to careers at the individual level
Volume 4: Careers in Practice; bringing together the practical implications of career studies for all groups of practitioners

Kerr Inkson
Images of Career
Nine Key Metaphors

Douglas Hall and Dawn Chandler
Psychological Success
When the Career Is a Calling

Douglas Hall
Protean Careers of the 21st Century
Robert Defillippi and Michael Arthur
The Boundaryless Career
A Competency-Based Perspective

Donald Super
Vocational Development Theory
Persons, Positions and Processes

John Holland
Exploring Careers with a Typology
What We Have Learned and Some New Directions

Robert Lent and Gail Hackett
Sociocognitive Mechanisms of Personal Agency in Career Development
Pantheoretical Perspectives

Audrey Collin
One Step towards Realizing the Multidisciplinarity of Career Studies
Stephen Barley
Careers, Identities and Institutions
The Legacy of the Chicago School of Sociology

Mark Savickas
Helping People Choose Jobs
A History of the Guidance Profession

Celia Moore, Hugh Gunz and Douglas Hall
Tracing the Historical Roots of Career Theory in Management and Organization Studies
Edgar Schein
Career Anchors Revisited
Implications for Career Development in the 21st Century

Hugh Gunz
The Dual Meaning of Managerial Careers
Organizational and Individual Levels of Analysis

Sherry Sullivan
The Changing Nature of Careers
A Review and Research Agenda

Michael Arthur
Examining Contemporary Careers
A Call for Interdisciplinary Inquiry

Polly Parker, Scetlana Khapova and Michael Arthur
The Intelligent Career Framework as a Basis for Interdisciplinary Inquiry
Benjamin Schneider
The People Make the Place
Daniel Cable and Timothy Judge
Person-Organization Fit, Job Choice Decisions and Organizational Entry
Denise Rousseau
Psychological Contracts in the Workplace
Understanding the Ties That Motivate

Charlotte McLeod, Stephanie O'Donohoe and Barbara Townley
The Elephant in the Room? Class and Creative Careers in British Advertising Agencies
Jeffrey Greenhaus and Nicholas Beutell
Sources of Conflict between Work and Family Roles
Shelby Stewman and Suresh Konda
Careers and Organizational Labor Markets
Demographic Models of Organizational Behavior

Candace Jones
Finding a Place in History
Symbolic and Social Networks in Creative Careers and Collective Memory

Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, Maury Peiperl and John Kotter
Strategic Determinants of Managerial Labor Markets
A Career-Systems View

Zella King, Simon Burke and Jim Pemberton
The 'Bounded' Career
An Empirical Study of Human Capital, Career Mobility and Employment Outcomes in a Mediated Labour Market

Maury Peiperl and Yehuda Baruch
Back to Square Zero
The Post-Corporate Career

Judith Pringle and Mary Mallon
Challenges for the Boundaryless Career Odyssey
Joanne Duberley, Laurie Cohen and Mary Mallon
Constructing Scientific Careers
Change, Continuity and Context

Tineke Cappellen and Maddy Janssens
Enacting Global Careers
Organizational Career Scripts and the Global Economy as Co-Existing Career Referents

Svenja Tams and Michael Arthur
New Directions for Boundaryless Careers
Agency and Interdependence in a Changing World

Wolfgang Mayrhofer, Michael Meyer and Johannes Streyer
Contextual Issues in the Study of Careers
Kerr Inkson et al
Boundaryless Careers
Bringing Back Boundaries

Walter Heinz
Transition Discontinuities and the Biographical Shaping of Early Work Careers
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and Olga Beattie
Life Themes
A Theoretical and Empirical Exploration of Their Origins and Effects

Janet Dix and Mark Savickas
Establishing a Career
Developmental Tasks and Coping Responses

Nigel Nicholson
A Theory of Work Role Transitions
Lillian Eby, Marcus Butts and Angie Lockwood
Predictors of Success in the Era of the Boundaryless Career
Nigel Nicholson and Wendy de Waal-Andrews
Playing to Win
Biological Imperatives, Self-Regulation and Trade-offs in the Game of Career Success

Zheng Chen, John Veiga and Gary Powell
A Survival Analysis of the Impact of Boundary Crossings on Managerial Career Advancement up to Mid-Career
Michael Arthur, Svetlana Khapova and Celeste Wilderom
Career Success in a Boundaryless Career World
Daniel Feldman and Thomas Ng
Mobility, Embeddedness and Success

Jenny Hoobler, Sandy Wayne and Grace Lemmon
Bosses' Perceptions of Family-Work Conflict and Women's Promotability
Glass Ceiling Effects

Scott Coltrane
Elite Careers and Family Commitment
It's (Still) about Gender

Peter Heslin
Conceptualizing and Evaluating Career Success
Karen Lyness and Donna Thompson
Climbing the Corporate Ladder
Do Female and Male Executives Follow the Same Route?

Lisa Mainiero and Sherry Sullivan
Kaleidoscope Careers
An Alternate Explanation for the 'Opt-out' Revolution

Marco DiRenzo and Jeffrey Greenhaus
Job Search and Voluntary Turnover in a Boundaryless World
A Control-Theory Perspective

Jelena Zikic, Jaime Bonache and Jean-Luc Cerdin
Crossing National Boundaries
A Typology of Qualified Immigrants' Career Orientations

Itamar Gati, Mina Krausz and Samuel Osipow
A Taxonomy of Difficulties in Career Decision-Making
Susan Whiston
Vocational Counseling and Interventions
An Exploration of Future 'Big' Questions

Spencer Niles
Using Super's Career Development Assessment and Counselling (C-DAC) Model to Link Theory to Practice
Richard Young and Audrey Collin
Constructivism and Social Constructionism in the Career Field
Mark Savickas
Life Design
A Paradigm for Career Intervention in the 21st Century

John Krumboltz
The Happenstance Learning Theory
Kirsi LaPointe
Narrating Career, Positioning Identity
Career Identity as a Narrative Practice

Herminia Ibarra
How to Stay Stuck in the Wrong Career
Kerr Inkson and Michael Arthur
How to Be a Successful Career Capitalist
Ned Wellman and Gretchen Spreitzer
Crafting Scholarly Life
Strategies for Creating Meaning in Academic Careers

Siobhan O'Mahony and Beth Bechky
Managing the Career Progression Paradox in External Labor Markets

Belle Ragins, John Cotton and Janice Miller
Marginal Mentoring
The Effects of Type of Mentor, Quality of Relationship and Program Design on Work and Career Attitudes

Monica Higgins and Kathy Kram
Reconceptualizing Mentoring at Work
A Developmental-Network Perspective

Marjolein Lips-Wiersma and Douglas Hall
Organizational Career Development Is not Dead
A Case Study on Managing the New Career during Organizational Change

Marijke Verbruggen, Luc Sels and Anneleen Forrier
Unraveling the Relationship between Organizational Career Management and the Need for External Career Counseling
Kimberly McDonald and Linda Hite
Reviving the Relevance of Career Development in Human Resource Management
Steven Brown and Robert Lent
A Sociocognitive Framework for Career Choice Counseling

For instructors

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ISBN: 9781446247051