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52 Results Found for "CQ9"


How much should be taxed and where should it be spent? Find out in Guide to U.S. Economic Policy

Washington, DC - Imagine living in North Korea or Cuba, where 90% of your earnings are taxed to pay for luxurious presidential palaces and lavish parties while you barely survive. How much a government takes from its citizens, and what that money is spent on, makes up a country’s economic policy. How has the United States determined its own economic policy through history? How has that changing policy through the years affected our standard of living? The new Guide to U.S. Economic Policy, published by CQ Press, answers these questions.

How has Congress shaped America? Find out in: Landmark Legislation, 1774–2012: Major U.S. Acts and Treaties

Washington, DC - More than 12,000 people have served in America’s Congress since the First Continental Congress in 1774, and, since then, almost 46,000 public acts have been signed into law. Many of those laws have played a key role in shaping America’s political and historical character. Now, CQ Press has published Landmark Legislation, 1774–2012: Major U.S. Acts and Treaties, jammed-packed with information about the most important laws and treaties enacted by the U.S. Congress—including an additional decade of new legislation since the first edition was published.

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Get the facts about real "soldiers of fortune" in: Mercenaries: A Guide to Private Armies and Private Military Companies

Washington, DC - From Sleepy Hollow’s the Headless Horseman to Jason Bourne, Rambo, The A-Team, and Soldier of Fortune magazine, we’re fascinated by fictitious mercenaries and those who seem to be able to solve the world’s security issues in unique and behind-the-scenes ways. Are those types of soldiers really active in our world—or are they just a product of popular culture’s imagination?

New CQ Press text uses real-life stories to engage students in the study of American politics

A new American Government textbook harnesses the power of narrative for teaching students American politics and processes – from the nation’s founding to the current political environment. With inspiring stories about a mix of historical and lesser-known individuals such as Martin Luther King Jr., Edward Snowden, and the individuals involved in Occupy Wall Street, American Government: Stories of a Nation, by Scott Abernathy, is available today from CQ Press (a SAGE Publishing imprint).

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So Why Don’t Women Rule the World?

CQ Press today announces the release of Why Don’t Women Rule the World?, a book that combines feminist and political research to encourage students’ political interest and ambition and close the gender gap along the way. The book integrates intersectionality throughout, taking into account global and diverse experiences and backgrounds.
