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Fundamentals of Business Strategy

Fundamentals of Business Strategy

Six Volume Set
Edited by:

February 2008 | 2 296 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
This collection of selected papers provides a range of fundamental readings in strategic management. The collection covers basic and advanced topics and includes selections from both traditional masters in the field as well as writings by contemporary authors.

Part One: Foundations of Business Strategy: contains the classical foundational texts (from scholars such as Herbert Simon, Alfred Chandler and Alfred Sloan) which helped create the field.

Part Two: Industry Analysis and Competitive Strategy: covers the key texts in the areas of industry analysis and competitive strategy (with contributions by Porter, Nalebuf, Ghemewhat and others).

Part Three: The Resource Competences Based Approach to Strategy: highlights contributions to the resources-based view (including key articles from Richard Rumelt, Jay Barney and others).

Part Four: Dynamic Capabilities Approach: addresses dynamic capability theory (with contributors such as Sidney Winter, Richard Rumelt, David Teece and others), covering areas such as organizational learning, entrepreneurship and future directions for strategic management.

Each volume contains an introduction to the content included. The collection is of great value to scholars, students and practitioners of corporate strategy.

Volume One
D J Teece
Economic Analysis and Strategic Management
R Coase
The Nature of the Firm
Herbert A. Simon
Rational Decision Making in Business Organizations
James G March and Herbert A Simon
Organizational Behavior
Oliver E. Williamson
Transaction-Cost Economics: The Governance of Contractual Relations
A Alchian and H Demsetz
Production, Information Costs and Economic Organization
Robert Gibbons
Four Formal(izable) Theories of the Firm?
Richard R. Nelson and Sidney G. Winter
Evolutionary Theorizing in Economics
Richard M Cyert and James G March
An Epilogue
Edith Penrose
Research on the Business Firm Limits to the Growth and Size of Firms
A Legal Basis for the Firm
Roy Radner
Costly and Bounded Rationality in Individual and Team Decision-Making
Robert Gibbons
Team Theory, Garbage Cans and Real Organizations: Some History and Prospects of Economic Research on Decision-Making in Organizations
Herbert A. Simon
Organizations and Markets
Alfred P. Sloan, Jr.
The Great Opportunity – I
Alfred D. Chandler, Jr.
The Beginnings of “Big Business” in American Industry
Peter F. Drucker
Business Objectives and Survival Needs: Notes on a Discipline of Business Enterprise
Volume Two
Alfred D Chandler Jr
The Enduring Logic of Industrial Success
David J Teece
The Dynamics of Industrial Capitalism
Herbert A Simon
Strategy and Organizational Evolution
James G March
The Evolution of Evolution
Michael E Porter
What Is Strategy?
Perspectives on Alfred Chandler's Scale and Scope

Herbert A Simon
Organizations and Markets
Oliver E Williamson
Strategizing, Economizing and Economic Organization
Richard P Rumelt, Dan E Schendel and David J Teece
'Introduction' and 'Fundamental Issues in Strategy'
R Nelson and S Winter
Evolutionary Theorizing in Economics
Robert Gibbons
Team Theory, Garbage Cans and Real Organizations
Some History and Prospects of Economic Research on Decision-Making in Organizations

Joe S Bain
Relation of Profit Rate to Industry Concentration
American Manufacturing, 1936-1940

Avinash Dixit
The Role of Investment in Entry Deterrence
S A Lippman and R P Rumelt
Uncertain Imitability
An Analysis of Interfirm Differences in Efficiency under Competition

Volume Three
Richard Schmalensee
Do Markets Differ Much?
Pankaj Ghemawat
Sustainable Advantage
Keith Weigelt and Colin Camerer
Reputation and Strategy
A Review of Recent Theory and Implications

Karel Cool and Dan Schendel
Performance Differences among Strategic Groups
Carl Shapiro
The Theory of Business Strategy
Paul Milgrom and John Roberts
The Economics of Modern Manufacturing
Technology, Strategy and Organization

Colin F Camerer
Does Strategy Research Need Game Theory?
Richard P Rumelt
How Much Does Industry Matter?
Garth Saloner
Game Theory and Strategic Management
Applications, Contributions and Limitations

Adam M Brandenburger and Barry J Nalebuf
The Right Game
Use Game Theory to Shape Strategy

David J Teece and Mary Coleman
The Meaning of Monopoly
Antitrust Analysis in High-Technology Industries

David J Teece
Towards an Economic Theory of the Multiproduct Firm
Birger Wernerfelt
A Resource-Based View of the Firm
Jay B Barney
Strategic Factor Markets
Volume Four
Gary S Hansen and Birger Wernerfelt
Determinants of Firm Performance
The Relative Importance of Economic and Organizational Factors

Jay Barney
Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage
Richard R Nelson
Why Do Firms Differ and How Much Does It Matter?
Raphael Amit and Paul J H Schoemaker
Strategic Assets and Organizational Rent
Glenn R Carroll
A Sociological Perspective on Why Firms Differ
Margaret A Peteraf
The Cornerstones of Competitive Advantage
A Resource-Based Approach

Christine Oliver
Sustainable Competitive Advantage
Combining Institutional and Resource-Based Views

Richard L Priem and John E Butler
Is the Resource-Based 'View' a Useful Perspective for Strategic Management Research?
Steven A Lippman and Richard P Rumelt
The Bargaining Perspective
Steven A Lippman and Richard P Rumelt
The Payments Perspective
Micro-Foundations of Resource Analysis

Nicolai J Foss and Thorbjorn Knudsen
The Resource-Based Tangle
Towards a Sustainable Explanation of Competitive Advantage

Mie Augier and David J Teece
Dynamic Capabilities and the Multinational Enterprise
David J Collis and Cynthia Montgomory
Competing on Resources
David J Collis
Research Note
How Valuable Are Organizational Capabilities?

Volume Five
David J Teece, Gary Pisano and Amy Shuen
Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic Management
Giovanni Dosi, Richard R Nelson and Sidney G Winter
The Nature and Dynamics of Organizational Capabilities

Michael T Hannan and John Freeman
Structural Inertia and Organizational Change
Wesley M Cohen and Daniel A Levinthal
Absorptive Capacity
A New Perspective in Learning and Innovation

James G March
Exploration and Exploitation in Organizational Learning
Daniel A Levinthal and James G March
The Myopia of Learning
William P Barnett and Morten T Hansen
The Red Queen in Organizational Evolution
Sidney G Winter
The Satisfying Principle in Capability Learning
Maurizio Zollo and Sidney G Winter
Deliberate Learning and the Evolution of Dynamic Capabilities
Charles R Schwenk
Cognitive Simplification Processes in Strategic Decision-Making
Thomas S Bateman and Carl P Zeithaml
The Psychological Context of Strategic Decisions
A Model and Convergent Experimental Findings

William Ocasio
The Attention-Based View of the Firm
Margaret Peteraf and Mark Shanley
Getting to Know You
A Theory of Strategic Group Identity

Volume Six
Daniel Kahneman and Dan Lovallo
Timid Choice and Bold Forecasts
Mie Augier and Saras D Sarasvarthy
Integrating Evolution, Cognition and Design
Extending Simonian Perspectives to Strategic Organization

Richard Langlois
Transactions-Cost Economics in Real Time
Rebecca Henderson and Iain Cockburn
Measuring Competences? Exploring Firm Effects in Pharmaceutical Research
Oliver E Williamson
Strategy Research
Governance and Competence Perspectives

Kathleen M Eisenhardt and Jeffrey A Martin
Dynamic Capabilities
What Are They?

Jerker Denrell, Christina Fang and Sidney G Winter
The Economics of Strategic Opportunity
Constance E Helfat and Margaret A Peterof
The Dynamic Resource-Based View
Capability Lifecycles

Sidney G Winter
Understanding Dynamic Capabilities
James G March
Rationality, Foolishness and Intelligence
Michael G Jacobides and Sidney G Winter
The Co-Evolution of Capabilities and Transaction Costs
Explaining the Institutional Structure of Production

David J Teece
Explicating Dynamic Capabilities
Nature, Microfoundations and Long-Run Enterprise Performance


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ISBN: 9781412901062