Series Editor's Introduction
1. Systems Analysis
An Overview of the Substantive Examples Found in Subsequent Chapters
2. Graph Algebra Basics
Inputs, Outputs, and the Forward Path
Feedback Loops and Mason's Rule
An Example From Economics: The Keynesian Multiplier
3. Graph Algebra and Discrete-Time Linear Operators
Delay and Advance Operators for Discrete Time
Including an Additive Constant With Graph Algebra
Difference and Summation Operators for Discrete Time
An Estimated Example: Labor Union Membership
4. Working With Systems of Equations
Richardson's Arms Race Model Using Graph Algebra
Variations of Richardson's Arms Race Model
An Estimated Example of a Multiple-Equation System With Nonlinear or Embedded Parameters: Richardson's Arms Race
5. Applying Graph Algebra to Continuous Time
Using Graph Algebra With Continuous-Time Operators
6. Graph Algebra and Nonlinearity
Placement Rules for Operators in Nonlinear Models
7. Working With Conditional Paths
Logical and Decision Systems
An Example of Democratic Transition
8. Systems, Shocks, and Stochasticity
9. Graph Algebra and Social Theory
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