International Migration
Four Volume Set
Edited by:
- Andrew Geddes - University of Sheffield, UK
Other Titles in:
Development Studies (General) | Human Geography (General) | International Relations (General)
Development Studies (General) | Human Geography (General) | International Relations (General)
July 2011 | 1 528 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
This collection brings the best research into migration across state borders together. Reflecting the complexity and diversity of work in this area, the set draws on the work of sociologists, lawyers, economists, political scientists and geographers as well as international relations scholars. Andrew Geddes' selection examines the causes, modes, patterns and consequences of international migration and demonstrates how its analysis requires connections to be made between the domestic and the international.
Theories of International Migration: A Review and Appraisal
Douglas Massey et al
Modes of Immigration Politics in Liberal Democratic States
Gary Freeman
The Next Waves: Migration Theory for a Changing World
Aristide Zolberg
Family and Personal Networks in International Migration: Recent Developments and New Agendas
Monica Boyd
Why Liberal States Accept Unwanted Immigration
Christian Joppke
Europe's Border Relationships and International Migration Relations Old and New
Andrew Geddes
Public Opinion Toward Immigration in the European Union: Does It Matter?
Gallya Lahav
International Migration and Foreign Policy
Christopher Mitchell
International Relations, Domestic Politics and Asylum Admissions in the United States
Idean Salehyan and Marc Rosenblum
Security, Stability and International Migration
Myron Wiener
Security and the Political Economy of International Migration
Christopher Rudolph
The Migration-Development Nexus Evidence and Policy Options State-of-the-Art Overview
Ninna Nyberg-Sørensen , Nicholas Van Hear and Poul Engberg-Pedersen
Shifting Paradigms of Globalization: The Twenty-First Century Transition Towards Generics in Skilled Migration from India
Binod Khadria
Issues and Recent Trends in International Migration in Sub-Saharan Africa
Aderanti Adepoju
Preparing for a Warmer World: Towards a Global Governance System to Protect Climate Refugees
Frank Biermann and Ingrid Boas
Political Violence and the Uprooted in the Horn of Africa: A Study of Refugee Flows from Ethiopia
Assefaw Bariagaber
Refugee or Internally Displaced Person? To Where Should One Flee?
Will Moore and Stephen Shellman
Conceptualizing Simultaneity: A Transnational Social Field Perspective on Society
Peggy Levitt and Nina Glick Schiller
The Escalation of US Immigration Control in the Post-NAFTA Era
Peter Andreas
Liberal Democratic States and Responsibilities to Refugees
Matthew Gibney
Birds of Passage Are Also Women
Mirjana Morokvasic
Borders beyond Control
Jagdish Bhagwati
The Factors That Make and Unmake Migration Policies
Stephen Castles
The Triumph of Instrumental Citizenship? Migrations, Identities and the Nation-State in Southeast Asia
Filomeno Aguilar
Mobilizing International Norms: Domestic Actors, Immigrants and the Japanese State
Amy Gurowitz
Female 'Birds Of Passage' A Decade Later: Gender and Immigration in the European Union
Eleanore Kofman
Aliens and Citizens: The Case for Open Borders
Joseph Carens
Death at the Border: Efficacy and Unintended Consequences of US Immigration Control Policy
Wayne Cornelius
Tampering with Refugee Protection: The Case of Australia
Alice Edwards
Do Migrants Remit Democracy? International Migration, Political Beliefs and Behavior in Mexico
Clarisa Pérez-Armendáriz and David Crow
Immigration Control in Australia
Robert Birrell
US Migration from Latin America: Gendered Patterns and Shifts
Katharine Donato
Clandestine Migration in Europe
Franck D vell
Borders for Whom? The Role of NAFTA in Mexico-US Migration
Patricia Fernández-Kelly and Douglas Massey
The Cumulative Causation of International Migration in Latin America
Elizabeth Fussell
Caribbean Migration to the Mainland: A Review of Adaptive Experiences
John Garcia
A Reappraisal of the State Sovereignty Debate: The Case of Migration Control
Virginie Guiraudon and Gallya Lahav
Globalization, Embedded Realism and Path Dependence: The Other Immigrants to Europe
Randall Hansen
Transnational Migration as a Small Window on the Diminished Autonomy of the Modern Democratic State
Martin Heisler
The Shifting Grounds for Immigration
Michael Piore
Feminization of Labor Migration as Violence Against Women: International, Regional and Local Non-Governmental Organization Responses in Asia
Nicola Piper
Migration and Underdevelopment
A Portes
International Migration
Henry Pratt Fairchild
The Transnational Nexus of Migration
Rosemarie Rogers
Crisis or Adaptation? Migration and Climate Change in a Context of High Mobility
Cecilia Tacoli
Transnationalization in International Migration: Implications for the Study of Citizenship and Culture
Thomas Faist
On International Migration and International Relations
Myron Weiner
Markets against Politics: Migration, EU Enlargement and the Idea of Europe
Adrian Favell and Randall Hansen
Towards a Political Theory of Migrant Transnationalism
Rainer Bauböck
Sending Countries and the Politics of Emigration and Destination
Barbara Schmitter Heisler
Sexual Trafficking in Women: International Political Economy and the Politics of Sex
Andrea Marie Bertone
The Emerging Migration State
James Hollifield
The European Union and the Securitization of Migration
Jef Huysmans
The Myth of Invasion: The Inconvenient Realities of African Migration to Europe
Hein de Haas
The Ethics of Labor Migration Policy
Martin Ruhs and Ha-Joon Chang
No Vacancy: The Political Geography of Immigration Control in Advanced Industrial Countries
Jeanette Money
The Causes of Convergence in Western Immigration Control
Eytan Meyers
Liberal Multiculturalism: Protective and Polyglot
Robert Goodin
Migration Control and Migrant Fatalities at the Spanish-African Borders
Jørgen Carling
Integrating Ideas into Policy-Making Analysis: Frames and Race Policies in Britain and France
Erik Bleich
The Legal-Domestic Sources of Immigrant Rights: The United States, Germany and the European Union
Christian Joppke
European Integration, Public Opinion and Immigration Policy: Testing the Impact of National Identity
Adam Luedtke