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Asian and Pacific Migration Journal

Asian and Pacific Migration Journal

Published on behalf of Scalabrini Migration Center

eISSN: 2057049X | ISSN: 01171968 | Current volume: 33 | Current issue: 3 Frequency: Quarterly
APMJ is the first peer reviewed journal devoted to migration issues in the Asia Pacific. APMJ features articles that examine human mobility in the region from an interdisciplinary perspective. The journal publishes research and analysis on the socio-demographic, economic, political, psychological, historical, legislative and religious aspects of human migration and refugee movements from and within Asia.

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APMJ is the first peer reviewed journal devoted to migration issues in the Asia-Pacific. APMJ features articles that examine human mobility in the region from an interdisciplinary perspective. The journal welcomes contributions on research and analysis on the socio-demographic, economic, political, psychological, historical, cultural and legislative aspects of different forms of human mobility from and within the Asia-Pacific region. Since its launch in 1992, APMJ has contributed to the academic, policy and advocacy discussions of migration in the region and about Asia-Pacific migration to other parts of the world.


Jorge V. Tigno Scalabrini Migration Center, Philippines
Associate Editor
Alan Feranil Scalabrini Migration Center, Philippines
Editorial Assistant
Bernard Allan Garcia Scalabrini Migration Center, Philippines
Caryl Guinto Scalabrini Migration Center, Philippines
Rei Peralta Scalabrini Migration Center, Philippines
Eunice Tejada Scalabrini Migration Center, Philippines
Editorial Board
Guy Abel The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Ki-seon Chung IOM Migration Research and Training Centre, South Korea.
Sara Curran University of Washington, USA
Andrew Geddes European University Institute, Italy
Rajai Ray Jureidini Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar
Philip Kelly York University, Canada
Binod Khadria Jawaharlal Nehru University, India
Susan Kneebone Melbourne Law School, University of Melbourne, Australia
Atsushi Kondo Faculty of Law, Meijo University, Nagoya, Japan
Pei-Chia Lan National Taiwan University
Chulwoo Lee Yonsei University, Republic of Korea
Francis Leo Collins University of Auckland, New Zealand
Nana Oishi University of Melbourne, Australia
Antoine Pecoud University of Paris 13, Paris, France
Sureeporn Punpuing Faculty of Engineering, Mahidol University, Thailand
Nasra M. Shah Lahore School of Economics, Pakistan
Paul Spoonley Massey University of Albany, New Zealand
Sukamdi Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia
Diana Wong Independent Scholar, Malaysia
Brenda S. A. Yeoh National University of Singapore, Singapore
Laura Zanfrini Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan, Italy
Yu Zhu Fujian Normal University, China
  • International Development Abstracts
  • APMJ is indexed/abstracted in Abstracts in Anthropology
  • Academic Search (EBSCO Publishing)
  • Academic Search Alumni Edition (EBSCO Publishing)
  • Asian-Pacific Economic Literature
  • Current Contents Connect: Social and Behavioral Sciences edition
  • Index to Social Sciences and Humanities Proceedings
  • International Bibliography of the Social Sciences
  • International Regional Science Review
  • Periodica Islamica
  • ProQuest: CSA Sociological Abstracts
  • Scopus
  • Social Sciences Citation Index
  • Studies on Women Abstracts
  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.

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