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Studies in Culture and Society

eISSN: 14617382 | ISSN: 13634607 | Current volume: 27 | Current issue: 8 Frequency: 8 Times/Year

Sexualities is an established international journal and an invaluable resource, publishing articles, reviews and scholarly comment on the shifting nature of human sexualities. The journal adopts a broad, interdisciplinary perspective covering the whole of the social sciences, cultural history, cultural anthropology and social geography, as well as feminism, gender studies, cultural studies and lesbian and gay studies.

Sexualities publishes work of an analytic and ethnographic nature which describes, analyses, theorises and provides a critique on the changing nature of the social organisation of human sexual experience in the late modern world.

"Sexualities has more than fulfilled its initial manifesto. It has rapidly become indispensable for the serious student of the sexual. Its intelligence and liveliness gives academic publishing a good name." Jeffrey Weeks, London South Bank University, UK

"In a short time Sexualities has become established as a major journal in the field, publishing a lively and diverse range of articles from both new and internationally renowned scholars." Stevi Jackson, University of York, UK

The journal covers a wide-range of topics, and a full list can be found here:

This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

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Members of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality receive 25% discount on the individual rate. To qualify for this discount simply confirm details of your membership and quote the society code SSSS when ordering!

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Electronic Access:

Sexualities is available electronically on SAGE Journals Online.

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Consistently one of the world’s leading journals in the exploration of human sexualities within a truly interdisciplinary context, Sexualities publishes peer-reviewed, scholarly articles that exemplify the very best of current research. It is published six times a year and aims to present cutting-edge debate and review for an international readership of scholars, lecturers, postgraduate students and advanced undergraduates.

Sexualities publishes work of an analytic and ethnographic nature which describes, analyses, theorizes and provides a critique on the changing nature of the social organization of human sexual experience in the late modern world. It seeks to inform about 'lived life' and 'real world events' and to stimulate debate and discussion over controversies surrounding contemporary sexualities.

The journal covers a wide-range of topics, and a full list can be found here:

Each issue contains a special features section including some of the following: book reviews; classic books revisited; interviews; reviews of films and film festivals; panel discussions and debates; photographic information; teaching essays; state of the field reviews; electronic networking information; conference announcements and reports; select bibliographies on special topics.

Founding Editor
Ken Plummer University of Essex, UK
Feona Attwood Independent Scholar
Travis S. K. Kong University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Roisin Ryan-Flood University of Essex, UK
Book Review Editor
Andréa Gill Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Dr Phoebe Kisubi Mbasalaki University of Essex, UK
International Advisory Editorial Board
Barry Adam University of Windsor, Canada
Dominique Adams-Santos University of Michigan, USA
Kath Albury Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Dennis Altman La Trobe University, Australia
Paul Amar University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Ben Aslinger Bentley University, USA
MJ Barker Independent Scholar, UK
Elizabeth Bernstein Barnard College, USA
Evelyn Blackwood Purdue University, USA
Tom Boellstorff University of California, Irvine, USA
Moira Carmody University of Western Sydney, Australia
Raewyn Connell University of Sydney, Australia
Ariane Cruz Pennsylvania State University, USA
Gary Dowsett La Trobe University, Australia
Jan Willem Duyvendak University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
R Danielle Egan Connecticut College, USA
Marc Epprecht Queen’s University, Canada
James Farrer Sophia University, Japan
Roderick Ferguson Yale University, USA
Joao Florencio Linköping University, Sweden
Gloria Gonzalez-Lopez University of Texas-Austin, USA
Gayatri Gopinath New York University, USA
Kristina Gupta Wake Forest University, USA
Jack Halberstam Columbia University, USA
Jeff Hearn Huddersfield University, UK
Phil Hubbard King’s College, UK
Janice Irvine University of Massachusetts, USA
Stevi Jackson University of York, UK
Katrien Jacobs The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Angela Jones Farmingdale State College, State University of New York, USA
Christian Klesse Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Don Kulick Uppsala University, Sweden
Thomas W Laqueur University of California, Berkeley, USA
Martin Manalansan IV University of Minnesota, USA
Fran Martin University of Melbourne, Australia
Joseph A Massad Columbia University, USA
Hannah McCann University of Melbourne, Australia
Shaka McGlotten Purchase College, State University of New York, USA
John Mercer Birmingham City University, UK
Richard Mole University College London, UK
Surya Monro Loughborough University, UK
Viviane Namaste Concordia University, Canada
S.N. Nyeck University of Colorado Boulder, USA
Jodi O'Brien Seattle University, USA
Susanna Paasonen University of Turku, Finland
Mark Padilla Florida International University, USA
Katy Pilcher Aston University, UK
Rebecca Plante Ithaca College, USA
Jasbir Puar Rutgers University, USA
Kane Race University of Sydney, Australia
Vasu Reddy University of the Free State, South Africa
Diane Richardson Newcastle University, UK
Lisa Rofel University of California, Santa Cruz, USA
Gayle Rubin University of Michigan, USA
Teela Sanders Leicester University, UK
Theo Sandfort Columbia University, USA
Cosimo Marco Scarcelli University of Padua, Italy
Petula Sik Ying Ho The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Clarissa Smith Northumbria University, UK
Arlene Stein Rutgers University, USA
Denise Tse-Shang Tang Lingnan University, Hong Kong
Yvette Taylor University of Strathclyde, UK
Leonore Tiefer New York University, USA
Matthew Waites University of Glasgow, UK
Andrea Waling La Trobe University, Australia
Jeffrey Weeks London South Bank University, UK
Jan Wickman University of Helsinki, Finland
Andrew Yip University of Nottingham, UK
Audrey Yue National University of Singapore, Singapore
Martin Zebracki University of Leeds, UK 
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