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Learning and Teaching in Secondary Schools

Learning and Teaching in Secondary Schools

Fifth Edition
Edited by:

April 2013 | 224 pages | Learning Matters
Linked to the new Teachers' Standards, this is an essential text for all secondary trainees and PGCE students, training at an ITT institution or in a school. The text covers all fundamental issues for learning and teaching in secondary schools. It guides trainee teachers through the professional attributes, skills and knowledge they need, focusing on a range of key topics and summarising important educational research. It examines the curriculum, planning, assessing and SEN and explores EAL, equality and diversity and pastoral care. A chapter is included to help support students in their Masters level work at PGCE and throughout, interactive activities make essential links between theory and practice. In all chapters, practical examples demonstrates how all aspects relate to the classroom.

About the Achieving QTS Series

All the books in this successful series support trainees through their initial teacher training and guide them in the acquisition of their subject knowledge, understanding and classroom practice. All new titles within the series are linked to the 2012 Teachers' Standards adn consider the impact of key government initiatives.

Viv Ellis is Professor of Head of Education at Brunel University in London, UK, and a Visiting Professor at Bergen University College in Norway.

Viv Ellis
Viv Ellis
Teaching as a Masters' Level Profession: Implications for Beginning Teachers
Patrick Fullick with Alaster Douglas
Professional Values and the Teacher
Gary D Kinchin
Understanding Learning
Charlotte Wright, Miranda Peverett and Viv Ellis
Planning for Learning
Jane Briggs and Viv Ellis
Assessment for Learning
Alan J Child with Lynne Parsons and Alaster Douglas
Managing Behaviour for Learning
Rob Batho with Alaster Douglas
Teaching Literacy Across the Curriculum
Kate Mackrell with Alaster Douglas
Teaching Numeracy Across the Curriculum
Cathy Wickens with Alaster Douglas
Teaching ICT across the Curriculum
Richard Pring
The 14-19 Curriculum: Aims and Values
Trevor Mutton
Pastoral Care, Personal, Social and Health Education and Citizenship
Geraldine A. Price with Alaster Douglas
Special Educational Needs
Sue Walters
English as an Additional Language
John Clay and Rosalyn George
Equality and Diversity
Appendix 1: Practicing Teacher Standards (Wales)
Appendix 2: The Standards For Provisional Registration GTC Scotland
Appendix 3: Professional Competences for Teachers (Northern Ireland)

all of my students are given pre sesison tasks and reading from this book in preparation for their lectures - they have found ti a v useful resource

Ms Roz Hornsby
School of Education & Training, Greenwich University
October 10, 2013

The book is a helpful addition to the literature about secondary teacher preparation. I'd like to see more about the use of video for developing and improving teacher performance.

Dr David Cooper
School For Education Futures, Wolverhampton University
August 5, 2013

A really useful book. Excellent reflective tasks and exercises to complete throughout.
Easy to read and a book that you can dip in and out of. Well recommended for PGCE students or any student wishing to pursue a career in secondary school teaching.

Mrs Ruth Baxter
School of Education, Blackburn College
June 26, 2013

An excellent and essential text for all secondary ITE students.

Ms Therese Lewis
School of Health , Social Work & Education, Northumbria University
June 19, 2013

A very useful text with excellent guidance, examples, key points and further reading.

Miss Liz McGuire
Education, Leeds Trinity and All Saints
June 19, 2013

The topics covered in the book are relevant to schools in all countries although some of them, e.g. inclusion have not yet received equal attention in my country so far.

Dr Chunmei Yan
English Department, Central China Normal University
May 31, 2013

I will be using this book next semester as an essential for my course therefore I will provide you with the feedback in due course

Dr Yasemin Kirkgoz
Teacher Education Department, Cukurova University
May 7, 2013

An excellent update to a well established text.

Mr Andrew Steed
Faculty of Education (Perry Barr), Birmingham City University
May 7, 2013