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Managing Media Work

Managing Media Work

Edited by:
  • Mark Deuze - University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

September 2010 | 320 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
This book explores the ways media industries function, how media professionals manage their careers, how media industries engage with creativity and innovation, and how to make sense of this in ways to empower aspiring professionals (as well as those who want to research media management and production).

While students who want to enter a media industry may understand the impact the industry has on audiences and politics (as these are the dominant areas of mass communications research and courses offered), these students generally are not empowered to understand how and why the industry works as it does, nor how contemporary worldwide societal shifts and trends – such as globalization, digitalization, convergence, and individualization – affect the everyday managerial and creative practices in the industry. Mark Deuze addresses and answers these issues and needs.

Mark Deuze
Managing Media Work
Bozena Mierzejewska
Media Management Theory and Practice
Chris Bilton
The Management of the Creative Industries: from Content to Context
Lucy Küng
Managing Strategy and Maximizing Innovation in Media Organizations
Terry Flew
New Media Policies
Philip Napoli
Global Deregulation and Media Corporations
Toby Miller
The International Division of Cultural Labor
Jane Singer
Journalism in a Network
Mark Deuze and Leopoldina Fortunati
Atypical Newswork, Atypical Media Management
Pablo Boczkowski
On the Wisdom of Ignorance: Knowledge and the Management of Contemporary News Organizations
Tim Marjoribanks
Understanding Multinational Media Management
Keith Randle
The Organization of Film and Television Production
Alisa Perren
Producing Filmed Entertainment
Charles Davis
New Firms in the Screen-based Media Industry: Startups, Self-employment, and Standing Reserve
Susan Christopherson
Connecting the Dots: Structure, Strategy and Subjectivity in Entertainment Media
Liz McFall
Advertising: Structure, Agency or Agencement?
Sean Nixon
From Full-Service Agency to 3-D Marketing Consultants: ‘Creativity’ and Organizational Change in Advertising
Chris Hackley and Amy Rungpaka Tiwsakul
Advertising Management and Professional Identity in the Digital Age
Marina Vujnovic and Dean Kruckeberg
Managing Global Public Relations in the New Media Environment
Aphra Kerr
The Culture of Gamework
Eric Harvey
Same as the Old Boss? Changes, Continuities, and Careers in the Digital Music Era
Rosalind Gill
"Life is a pitch": Managing the Self in New Media Work
Annet Aris
Managing Media Companies through the Digital Transition
Geert Lovink and Ned Rossiter
Notes on Organized Networks: Urgent Aphorisms for the Connected Multitides

“For years, media scholars have all but ignored those who manage and work in the cultural industries. This collection takes a major step toward overcoming this shortcoming by bringing together an impressive and diverse group of international scholars to expand what we know about the creative industries. Deuze has done us a great service by putting together this touchstone volume.”

Catherine McKercher & Vincent Mosco
authors of Knowledge Workers in the Information Society and The Laboring of Communication.

"Managing Media Work is a bold and original volume that shows how talent, passion, and personality play out in the media business, shaping not only individual careers but also the fate of entire corporations. With authors from business schools, communications, and cultural studies, it will appeal to anyone hoping to enter the creative industries, and to everyone who studies them."

Eric Klinenberg
Professor of Sociology at New York University

"This rich, varied, informative and bang-up-to-date collection will be a terrific resource for students, teachers and researchers. The editor has done a great job in bringing together a set of leading figures who wouldn't normally be found in the same pages."

David Hesmondhalgh
author of The Cultural Industries

Will be using Chapters 16 through 19 as reading material in our course.

Dr Clea Bourne
Media and Communication, Goldsmiths College
March 12, 2013

There are some useful chapters in this collection on the theme of work and working practices in the media industries. Particularly recommended is Rosalind Gill's contribution on management of the the self.

Mr Richard Wallis
Media School, Bournemouth University
March 1, 2013

An excellent collection of research in this emerging field

Paul Dwyer
Business Administration , University of Westminster
January 31, 2013

Impressive, conceptually rich --integrating media management and creative industries. Recommended for students, researchers and professionals interested in innovation in the media and all creative industries.

Ms Johanna Mavhungu
School of Journalism and Media Studies, Rhodes University
November 3, 2012

The text breaks up the industry into specific mediums so that a developing undergraduate/trainne journalist can further develop their skills with an understanding of the demands of an industry. An understanding of the theoretical and vocational aspects of practice are vital to any undergraduate in journalism/media studies and this text brings together the historical with the economics and individualisation of the different areas of the industry. Each individual section is broken down into bite size areas that any student will be able to use to mange their work within university and in the media.

Mr Kristian Low
Journalism, Southampton Solent University
February 15, 2011

This is excellent - both for higher undergraduate courses and also postgraduate journalism courses

Dr Douglas Chalmers
Cultural Business, Glasgow Caledonian University
January 13, 2011

Perfect and much loved by students.

Ms Paula Hearsum
Faculty of Arts & Architecture, Brighton University
November 12, 2010