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Organizational Discourse Studies

Organizational Discourse Studies

Three Volume Set
Edited by:
  • David Grant - Griffith University, Australia, Griffith Business School, Australia, University of New South Wales, Australia, University of Sydney, Australia, King's College London, UK
  • Cynthia Hardy - University of Melbourne, Australia
  • Linda L Putnam - University of California, Santa Barbara, USA

January 2011 | 1 304 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
Work on organizational discourse studies has mushroomed in the past several decades, spanning various disciplines and encompassing a wide array of organizational topics. In contrast to microlevel studies of individual language and communication, this three-volume collection focuses on discourse at organizational levels and is an invaluable resource to anyone interested in how methods of discourse analysis can be applied to gain insight into the workings of an organization.

Assembled and introduced by an international editorial team of leading scholars in the area, each volume builds on the foundations of the last. Volume one traces the evolution and current state of theoretical developments in organizational discourse studies, showing how its methodological foundations have evolved with the social sciences as a whole. Volume two teaches the reader the key techniques used in discourse analysis in organizations, and volume three provides examples of empirical studies where these methods have created an understanding of specific organizational phenomena, including emotion, humour, change and resistance.

The Language of Power and the Power of Language

Stewart R. Clegg
Modernism, Post Modernism and Organizational Analysis 2: The Contribution of Michel Foucault

Gibson Burrell
Modernism, Postmodernism and Organizational Analysis: An Introduction

Robert Cooper and Gibson Burrell
Disciplinary Power in the Modern Corporation

Stanley Deetz
Scene Setting
Organizational Discourse

Dennis K. Mumby and Robin P. Clair
Varieties of Discourse: On the Study of Organizations through Discourse Analysis

Mats Alvesson and Dan Karreman
Discourse Analysis in Organizations: Issues and Concerns

Linda L. Putnam and Gail T. Fairhurst
Theoretical Approaches
Corporate Strategy, Organizations, and Subjectivity: A Critique

David Knights and Glenn Morgan
Textual Agency: How Texts Do Things in Organizational Settings

Francois Cooren
Discourse and Institutions

Nelson Phillips, Thomas B. Lawrence and Cynthia Hardy
Finding the Organization in the Communication: Discourse as Action and Sense-making

James R. Taylor and Daniel Rabichaud
Coordination as Energy-in-Conversation

Ryan W. Quinn and Jane E. Dutton
On the Multi-modality, Materiality and Contingency of Organizational Discourse

Rick Iedema
Discourse Analysis as Organizational Analysis

Robert Chia
Organizational Discourse Analysis: Avoiding the Determinism-Voluntarism Trap

Charles Conrad
Getting Real about Organizations Discourse

Mike Reed
Overviews of Studying Discourse
Discourse Analysis as a Way of Analysing Naturally Occurring Talk

Jonathan Potter
Against Discursive Imperialism, Empiricism and Constructionism: Thirty-Two Problems with Discourse Analysis

Ian Parker and Erica Burman
Doing Research in Organizational Discourse: The Importance of Researcher Context

Craig Prichard, Deborah Jones and Ralph Stablein
To Text or Context? Endotextual, Extotextual, and Multi-textual Approaches to Narrative and Discursive Organizational Studies

David Barry. Brigid Carroll and Hans Hansen
Narrative and Stories
Narratives of Individual and Organizational Identities

Barbara Czarniawska-Joerges
Stories of the Storytelling Organization: A Postmodern analysis of Disney as 'Tamara-Land'

David M. Boje
Critical Discourse Analysis and Deconstruction
Critical Discourse Analysis

Norman Fairclough and Ruth Wodak
Principles of Critical Discourse Analysis

Teun A. van Dijk
Power and Siscourse in Organization Studies: Absence and the Dialectic of Control

Dennis K. Mumby and Cynthia Stohl
Irony, Rhetoric and Metaphors
Isn't It Ironic; Using Irony to Explore the Contradictions of Organizational Life

Angela Trethewey
The Discourse of the Middle Ground: Citizen Shell Commits to Sustainable Development

Sharon M. Livesey
Metaphor and Analogical Reasoning in Organization Theory

Cliff Oswick, Tom Keenoy and David Grant
Different Types of Texts: Video, Cartoons, Conversations, Websites
When Supervising Physicians See Patients: Strategies Used in Difficult Situations

Anita Pomerantz, B.J. Fehr and Jack Ende
No Joking Matter: Discursive Struggle in the Canadian Refugee System

Cynthia Hardy and Nelson Phillips
My Job Sucks: Examining Counterinstitutional Web Sites as Locations for Organizational Member Voice, Dissent and Resistance

Loril M. Gossett and Julian Kilker
Reflexive Inquiry in Organizational research: Questions and Possibilities

Ann L. Cunliffe
Management Consultant Talk: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Normalizing Discourse and Resistance

Susan Merilainen, Janne Tienari, Robyn Thomas and Annette Davies
Identity and Gender
The 'Feminine Advantage': A Discursive Analysis of the Invisibility of Older Women Workers

Susan Ainsworth
Health on the Line: Identity and Disciplinary Control in Employee Occupational Health and Safety Discourse

Heather M. Zoller
The Leader-Member Exchange Patterns of Women Leaders in Industry: A Discourse Analysis

Fail T. Fairhurst
The Bureaucratization, Commodification and Privatization of Sexual Harrassment through Institutional Discourse: A Study of the Big Ten Universities

Robin P. Clair
Emotion and Humour
Becoming a Character for Commerce: Emotion Labour, Self-Subordination and Discursive Construction of Identity in a Total Instituion

Sarah J. Tracy
'Engineering Humour': Masculinity, Joking and Conflict in Shop-Floor Relations

David L. Collinson
Participation and Resistance
Change, Change or be Exchanged: The Discourse of Participation and the Manufacture of Identity

Gill Musson and Joanne Duberley
Dialectical Tensions and Rhetorical Tropes in Negotiations

Linda L. Putnam
The Ambivalent Dynamics of Secretarial 'Bitching': Control, Resistance and the Construction of Identity

Patty Sotirin and Heidi Gottfried
Theorizing the Micro-politics of Resistance: New Public Management and Managerial Identities in the UK Public Services

Robyn Thomas and Annette Davies
Institutional Change
Discourse and Deinstitutionalization: The Decline of DDT

Steve Maguire and Cynthia Hardy
Organizational Change
Change in Organizational Culture: The Use of Linguistic Methods in a Corporate Acquisition

David T. Bastien
Organizational Change as Discourse: Communicative Actions and Deep Structures in the Context of Information Technology Implementation

Loizos Heracleous and Michael Barrett
Ideological Positioning in Organizational Change: The Dialectic of Control in a Merging Organization

Lisa A. Howard and Patricia Geist
Discourse as a Strategic Resource

Cynthia Hardy, Ian Palmer and Nelson Phillips

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ISBN: 9781849207362