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Outsourcing Information Systems

Outsourcing Information Systems

Three Volume Set
Edited by:

May 2009 | 1 138 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
Domestic and global outsourcing is prescribed for everything from back office services like information technology development, human resource transactions, and indirect procurement to core services such as innovation, research and development, marketing and customer care. While the vision of global sourcing using multiple suppliers that are agile, effective, and cost efficient is certainly achievable, it requires an immense amount of detailed management to make it work.

Not surprisingly, outsourcing IT and back office functions, especially, has received immense attention in trade journals, the media and in supplier and consulting marketing outlets. This has led to a cacophony of opinions on what works and what does not, and what the record actually is on outsourcing strategy and implementation. Outsourcing Information Systems brings together the papers that combined contribute a detailed understanding of how outsourcing of IS and back office functions has developed, and is likely to develop, the theories that can be applied to this field of study, the mistakes committed and learning achieved, and insights into what really does work.

Leslie Willcocks and Mary Lacity have carefully selected in-depth analyses of the major forms of sourcing and related managerial practices from rigorously researched and objective sources based in the academic literature to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date resource for researchers and practioners both.

1.1 Theoretical Perspectives
M. Cheon, V. Grover and J. Teng
Theoretical Perspectives on the Outsourcing of Information Systems
U. Apte and R. Mason
Global Disaggregation of Information-Intensive Services
M. Lacity and L. Willcocks
Interpreting Information Technology Sourcing Decisions from a Transaction Cost Perspective
Findings and critique

B. Marcolin and A. Ross
Complexities in IS Sourcing
Equifinality and relationship management

1.2 Determinants of IT Outsourcing
L. Loh and N. Venkatraman
Determinants of Information Technology Outsourcing
A cross-sectional analysis

Q. Hu, C. Saunders and M. Gebelt
Research Report
Diffusion of information systems outsourcing

A reevaluation of influence sources

S. Ang and D. Straub
Production and Transaction Economies and IS Outsourcing
A study of the U.S. banking industry

J. Barthélemy and D. Geyer
The Determinants of Total IT Outsourcing
An empirical investigation of french and german firms

J. Hall and S. Liedtka
Financial Performance, CEO Compensation, and Large-Scale Information Technology Outsourcing Decisions
D. Whitten and D. Leidner
Bringing Back IT
An analysis of the decision to backsource or switch vendors

1.3 IT Outsourcing Strategy
M. Lacity, L. Willcocks and D. Feeny
The Value of Selective IT Sourcing
A. DiRomualdo and V. Gurbaxani
Strategic Intent for IT Outsourcing
L. Willcocks and M. Lacity
IT Outsourcing in Insurance Services
Risk, creative contracting, and business advantage

W. Oh, M. Gallivan and J. Kim
The Market's Perception of the Transactional Risks of Information Technology Outsourcing Announcements
B. Aubert, G. Beaurivage, A.M. Croteau and S. Rivard
Firm Strategic Profile and IT Outsourcing
D. Straub, P. Weill and K Schwaig
Strategic Dependence on the IT Resource and Outsourcing
A test of the strategic control model

2.1 Determinants of Success
R. Sabherwal
The Role of Trust in Outsourced IS Development Projects
V. Grover, M. Cheon and J. Teng
The Effect of Service Quality and Partnership on the Outsourcing of Information Systems Functions
M. Lacity, and L. Willcocks
An Empirical Investigation of Information Technology Sourcing Practices
Lessons from experience

L. Poppo and T. Zenger
Do Formal Contracts and Relational Governance Function as Substitutes or Complements?
J. Lee, S. Miranda and Y Kim
IT Outsourcing Strategies
Universalistic, Contingency, and Configurational Explanations of Success

K. Wullenweber, D. Beimborn, T. Weitzel and W. Konig
The Impact of Process Standardization on Business Process Outsourcing Success
2.2 Client Capabilities
L. Willcocks and D. Feeny
IT Outsourcing and Core IS Capabilities
Challenges at lessons at DuPont

C. Ranganathan and S. Balaji
Critical Capabilities for Offshore Outsourcing of IS
2.3 Supplier Capabilities and Perspectives
A. Pinnington and P. Woolcock
The Role of Vendor Companies in IS/IT Outsourcing
N. Levina and J. Ross
From the Vendor's Perspective
Exploring the value proposition in information technology outsourcing

D. Feeny, M. Lacity and L. Willcocks
Taking the Measure of Outsourcing Providers
A. Gopal, K. Sivaramakrishnan, M. Krishnan and T. Mukhopadhyay
Contracts in Offshore Software Development
An empirical analysis

I. Oshri, J. Kotlarsky and L. Willcocks
Managing Dispersed Expertise in IT Offshore Outsourcing
Lessons from Tata Consultancy Services

2.4 Relationship Management
P.B. Seddon
The Australian Federal Government's Clustered-agency IT Outsourcing Experiment
T. Kern and L. Willcocks
Exploring Relationships in Information Technology Outsourcing
The interaction approach

V. Choudhury and R. Sabherwal
Portfolios of Control in Outsourced Software Development Projects
R. Kishore, H.R. Rao, K. Nam, S. Rajagopalan and A. Chaudhury
A Relationship Perspective on IT Outsourcing
3.1 Workforce Issues
S. A. Slaughter and S. Ang
Employment Outsourcing in Information Systems
P. Zwieg et al
The Information Technology Workforce Trends and Implications 2005-2008
N.G Mankiw and P. Swagel
The Politics and Economics of Offshore Outsourcing
R. Hirschheim, C. Loebbecke, M. Newman and J. Valor
Offshoring and its Implications for the Information Systems Discipline
Where perception meets reality

3.2 Offshore Outsourcing
A. Gopal, T. Mukhopadhyay and M. Krishnan
The Role of Software Processes and Communication in Offshore Software Development
J. Rottman and M. Lacity
Proven Practices for Effectively Offshoring IT Work
E. Carmel and P. Abbott
Why Nearshore Means That Distance Matters
J. Kotlarsky, P. van Fenema and L. Willcocks
Developing a Knowledge-based Perspective on Coordination
The case of Global Software Projects

S. Jarvenppaa and J. Mao
Operational Capabilities Development in Mediated Offshore Software Service Models
V. Mahnke, J. Wareham and N. Bjorn-Andersen
Offshore Middlemen
Transnational intermediation in technology sourcing

J. Dibbern, J. Winkler and A. Heinzl
Explaining Variations in Client Extra Costs Between Software Projects Offshored to India
3.3 Application Service Provision
T. Kern, L. Willcocks and M. Lacity
Application Service Provision
Risk assessment and risk mitigation

C. Loebbecke and C. Huyskens
What Drives Netsourcing Decisions? An empirical analysis
A. Susarla, A. Barua and A. B. Whinston
Understanding the Service Component of Application Service Provision
An empirical analysis of satisfaction with ASP services

3.4 Past, Present, and Future of Global IT Sourcing
M. McDonald
The Enterprise Capability Organization
A future for IT

M. Lacity, L. Willcocks and J. Rottman
Global Outsourcing of Back Office Services
Lessons, trends and enduring challenges


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ISBN: 9781848604452