Principles of Applied Research Methods
Second Edition
Edited by:
- Duncan Jackson - Birkbeck College, University of London, UK
- Almuth McDowall - Birkbeck University, UK
- Kate Mackenzie-Davey - Birkbeck College, University of London, UK
- Rebecca Whiting - Birkbeck University of London, UK
August 2018 | 640 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
Principles of Applied Research Methods is the only book you will need for the applied research methods module at Birkbeck University. Compiled in consultation with the module leaders it contains all the content that is directly relevant to the course, saving you time and money on obtaining multiple texts.
Duncan J. R. Jackson
Foundation Principles of Research Methods
Gray, D. E.
Theoretical Perspectives and Research Methodologies
Gray, D. E.
Selecting and Planning Research Proposals and Projects
Gray, D. E.
Research Ethics
Gray, D. E.
Searching, Critically Reviewing and Using the Literature
Qualitative Methods
Breakwell, G. M. & Rose, M.
Theory, Method and Research Design
Smith, J. A.
Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
Millward, L.
Focus Groups
Clarke, V., Braun, V. & Hayfield, N.
Thematic Analysis
Lee, Y.-H. & Lin, H.
'Gaming is my Work': Identity Work in Internet-Hobbyist Game Workers.
Ray, J. L. & Smith, A. D.
Using Photographs to Research Organizations: Evidence, Considerations and Applications in Field Study
Whiting, R. & Pritchard, K.
Digital Ethics
Quantitative Methods
Field, A.
Why is my Evil Lecturer Forcing me to Learn Statistics
Field, A.
The SPINE of Statistics
Field, A.
Field, A.
The Linear Model (Regression)
Field, A.
GLM 1: Comparing Several Independent Means
Field, A.
Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA)
FIeld, A.
Exploratory Factor Analysis