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Qualitative Online Interviews

Qualitative Online Interviews
Strategies, Design, and Skills

Second Edition

April 2014 | 320 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
The Second Edition of Qualitative Online Interviews provides researchers the guidance they need to extend the reach of their studies beyond physical boundaries. Focusing on designing, conducting, and assessing data drawn from online interviews as well as from observations, materials, and artifacts collected online, the book emphasizes the use of in-depth interviews in qualitative research or mixed-methods designs. Written in an easy-to-read manner, the thorough Second Edition offers the practical information and scholarly foundations needed to make thoughtful decisions in technology-infused research.

See how Qualitative Online Interviews can be used in a course with these sample course outlines:

Online Interviews Design and Practice

Qualitative Inquiry and Online Interviews

Online Interviews and Case Analysis

Watch a short video overview of the new edition of Qualitative Online Interviews:

List of Figures
List of Tables
About the Author
Chapter 1: The E-Interview Research Framework
Interview Research: A Window Into the Lived Experience

Online Interview Research

Online Interviews and Multimethod Research

A Conceptual Framework for E-Interview Research

Aligning Purpose and Design

Choosing Online Data Collection Method for the Study

Taking a Position as a Researcher

Determining E-Interview or Observation Style(s)

Selecting ICT and Milieu

Using Visual Research in Online Interviews and Observations

Handling Sampling and Recruiting

Addressing Ethical Issues

Collecting the Data

Closing Thoughts

Chapter 2: Aligning Purpose and Design
Research: New Knowledge and Understandings

Understanding the “Research Interview”

What Is an In-Depth Research Interview?

Interviews in an Interview Society

Research Epistemologies, Methodologies, and Methods

Theories and Research Design

Epistemologies Influence Design Choices

Mixed Methods, Multimethods, and Mixed Epistemologies

Methodologies and Methods: Key Principles and Distinctions

Interviews and Observations in Qualitative and Mixed-Methods Studies

Closing Thoughts

Researcher’s Notebook

The E-Interview Research Framework: Creating a Coherent Design

Aligning Purpose and Design Across Qualitative Methodologies

Key Concepts

Discussions and Assignments

On the Web

Chapter 3: Choosing Online Data Collection Method and Taking a Position as a Researcher
Choosing to Collect Data with ICTs Based on Medium, Setting, or Phenomenon

Taking a Position as a Researcher

Insider (Emic) or Outsider (Etic) E-Research Positions

Rethinking Research Metaphors: Travelers, Gardeners, or Miners?

Positions, Power, and Symmetry in Interviews

Reflexivity and the Researcher’s Position

Closing Thoughts

Researcher’s Notebook

The E-Interview Research Framework: Choosing E-Interviews and Positions

Stories of Online Inquiry

Key Concepts

Discussions and Assignments

On the Web

Chapter 4: Determining E-Interview or Observation Styles
Structure and the Online Interview

Typology of E-Interview Structures

Structured Interviews

Semistructured Interviews

Unstructured Interviews

Life Story or Oral History Interviews

Postmodern Interviews

Co-Constructed Narratives

Creative Interviews

Structure and Technology

Structured Interviews

Semistructured Interviews

Unstructured Interviews

Motivations for Online Interviews and the Typology of E-Interview Structures

The Researcher’s Position and the Typology of E-Interview Structures

Interviews in Qualitative, Mixed-Methods, and Multimethod Studies

Closing Thoughts

Researcher’s Notebook

The E-Interview Research Framework: Determining Styles for Online Interviews

Stories of Online Inquiry

Key Concepts

Discussions and Assignments

On the Web

Chapter 5: Selecting Information and Communication Technologies and Research Setting Milieu
Technology Equals Change

Forces for Change

The Internet: The Medium Warms

Technology Convergence: “Technologies Are Crashing Together”

Interactivity and Collaboration

Communication Richness

Nonverbal Communications and Online Interviews

Synchronous, Near-Synchronous, and Asynchronous Communication

Tools and Features for Online Interview Research

Aligning Features With Research Purposes

Choosing, Finding, or Creating a Conducive Meeting Space

Closing Thoughts

Researcher’s Notebook

The E-Interview Research Framework: Selecting ICTs and Milieu

Stories of Online Inquiry

Key Concepts

Discussions and Assignments

On the Web

Chapter 6: Visual Research and the Online Qualitative Interview
Seeing the Interview: Visual Questions, Visual Answers

Multimodal Communication in a Multilingual World

Visual Literacy and Spatial Intelligence

Typology of Online Visual Interview Methods

Visual Methods in Online Interviews

Text-Based Interviews

Video Conference, Video Call, or Video Chat

Multichannel Web Conference Meeting Spaces

Immersive Virtual Environments

Using Visual Methods to Enrich Online Interview Data

Issues in Online Visual Research

Perceptual Issues

Ethical Issues

Closing Thoughts

Researcher’s Notebook

Stories of Online Inquiry

Structured Visual Online Interviews

Semistructured and Unstructured Visual Online Interviews

Key Concepts

Discussions and Assignments

On the Web

Chapter 7: Handling Sampling and Recruiting: Selecting Participants for Online Interviews
A Critical Decision: Whom to Interview?

Sampling in Qualitative Research

Types of Sampling

Size of Sample

Sample Frames

Sampling and Recruiting for Online Interview Research

Design Decisions Influence Sampling and Recruiting

Sampling Approaches Appropriate for Online Interview Research

Communicating With Potential Participants

Ensuring That Participants Are Credible

Participants Are Nominated by Trustworthy Third Party

Participants Are Pulled From Existing Sample Frames

Ensuring Research Participants That Researchers Are Credible

Getting Out the Recruitment Message

Closing Thoughts

Researcher’s Notebook

The E-Interview Research Framework: Handling Sampling and Recruiting

Stories of Online Inquiry

Key Concepts

Discussions and Assignments

On the Web

Chapter 8: Addressing Ethical Issues in Online Interview Research
Ethical Research Design and Online Interviews

Ethical Research Design Fundamentals

Informed Consent

Informed Consent and Online Research

Informed Consent in Online Interview Research

Informed Consent in Online Observation Research

Identity and Privacy

Withdrawal From the Online Study

Protection of Data

Ethical Frameworks

The Deontological Approach

The Consequentialist or Utilitarian Approach

The Virtue Ethics Approach

Toward an Understanding of Internet Research Ethics

Research Design, Ethics, and Review Boards

Risk/Benefit Analysis

Review Issues for Informed Consent

Review Issues for Privacy and Confidentiality

Closing Thoughts

Researcher’s Notebook

The E-Interview Research Framework: Addressing Ethical Issues

Stories of Online Inquiry: Three Researchers—Ethical or Not?

Key Concepts

Discussions and Assignments

On the Web

Chapter 9: Preparing for an Online Interview
Planning to Interview

Preparing the Questions

Communications Technologies and Online Interview Preparation

Considerations for ICT Selection

Learning the ICT

Interview Preparation by ICT Type

Preparing for Any Online Interview

Preparing for a Text-Based Interview

Synchronicity and Synchronous/Near Synchronous Text-Based Interviews

Preparing for an Asynchronous Text-Based Interview

Preparing for a Video Interview

Preparing to Interview in a Web Conferencing Meeting Space

Preparing to Interview in an Immersive Virtual Environment

Getting Ready to Interview

Defining Roles

Epoche, Self-Reflection, and Preparing to Listen

Closing Thoughts

Researcher’s Notebook

Stories of Online Inquiry

Key Concepts

Discussions and Assignments

On the Web

Chapter 10: Conducting the Online Interview
Interviewer and the Interview

Conducting a Research Interview

Opening the Interview

Questioning and Guiding

Closing the Interview

Post-Interview Follow-Up

Conducting a Research Interview Using Synchronous Technologies

Text-Based Interview

Video Conference Interview

Interviews in Multichannel Web Conferencing Meeting Spaces

Interviews in Immersive Virtual Environments

Closing Thoughts

Researcher’s Notebook

The E-Interview Research Framework: Conducting the Study

Stories of Online Inquiry

Key Concepts

Discussions and Assignments

On the Web

Chapter 11: Contributing Quality E-Research to the Literature
Using the E-Interview Research Framework to Assess Design and Research Quality

Aligning Purpose and Design

Coherent but Flexible Design

Choosing Online Data Collection Method for the Study

Taking a Position as a Researcher

Insider–Outsider Perspectives and Interpretations

Power Dynamics


Determining E-Interview or Observation Style(s)

Selecting ICT and Milieu

Handling Sampling and Recruiting

Addressing Ethical Issues

Conducting the Interview

Closing Thoughts

Researcher’s Notebook

Stories of Online Inquiry

Discussions and Assignments

Chapter 12: Online Communications and Online Interviews Trends and Influences
Online Communications and Online Interviews

Anywhere, Anytime Communication

Online Collaboration and Social Literacies

Disintermediation and Apomediation

Privacy in Online Milieus

ICT Trends and Implications for Researchers

Closing Thoughts and Recommendations for Further Research

Discussions and Assignments

Appendix: Qualitative Data Analysis
Glossary of Terms


Companion Website

The open-access Companion Website includes the following:

  • Mobile-friendly eFlashcards reinforce understanding of key terms and concepts that have been outlined in the chapters.
  • Worksheets assist readers in preparing the right information, questions, and answers.
  • A variety of E-Research Tips ?help readers prepare for interviews.
  • Video media pieces feature the author, Janet Salmons, walking readers through the concepts in her book.
  • Sample syllabi and course outlines help instructors plan a course using this book.

The book offers a good introduction to the subject. It is clearly structured and provided with examples, ideal for use.

Mrs Claudia Csida
Department for Diversity, University College of Teacher Education Lower Austria
March 15, 2021

Good modern and easy to follow

Mrs Brenda Robertson
Business Administration , Moray College
June 8, 2015

This is a very well-organised and helpfully formatted book, affording comprehensive guidance to those new to the online interview as part of their qualitative research methodology. The finely-tuned coverage of ethical matters will be of particular value to students embarking on this type of data collection.

Ms Stephanie Aldred
Department of Languages, Manchester Metropolitan University
April 8, 2015

Useful to support dissertation students.

Sasha Pleasance
Care & Learning Opportunities, South Devon College
March 26, 2015

Chose another text

Dr Carie Lambert
School Of Arts Humanities, University Of Texas At Dallas
March 16, 2015

This is an excellent overview of online research methods using qualitative approaches. While many students will focus on 'traditional' face-to-face methods or even telephone interviews, online research is something that they should be exposed to given the increasing reach and access to the internet in the UK.

The book covers essential practical issues related to different ways of conducting qualitative research online as well as addressing important issues of researcher reflexivity and the particular ethical implications of conducting online research. It is very clearly laid out and written in extremely accessible language.

Dr Fiona Harris
School of Health Sciences, Stirling University
February 23, 2015

An excellent textbook on a methodology of growing importance - recommended for all dissertation students.

Mr Charles McIntyre
School of Tourism, Bournemouth University
November 4, 2014

Excellent and very helpful work on qualitative internet research. Helps students and new researchers to organize and structure their plans and offers a robust guidance framework during the implementation of their research strategy and especially in the most difficult part which is the data collection through online research interviews.

Dr Dionysis Panos
Dpt Communication and Internet Studies, Cyprus University of Technology
October 8, 2014

A useful addition to research texts. This book is reasonably well-written. It focuses on an upcoming aspect of research. Interviews on-line includes informative ideas, with some solid advice. .

Dr Jane Jackson
Faculty of Education & Lang Studies, The Open University
October 8, 2014

This book focuses on an upcoming aspect of research. Interviews on-line includes informative ideas, with some solid advice. A nice addition to anyones collection of research texts. Might stretch some undergrads though.

Dr Jane Jackson
Faculty of Education & Lang Studies, The Open University
October 8, 2014

Sample Materials & Chapters

Chapter 1

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