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The Social Lens

The Social Lens
An Invitation to Social and Sociological Theory

Third Edition

Other Titles in:
Social Theory

July 2013 | 632 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
The Social Lens: An Invitation to Social and Sociological Theory, Third Edition is an upper division undergraduate social theory textbook that introduces the student to the major classical and contemporary theorists. The theorists were chosen for the diversity of their perspectives as well as their ability to introduce the student to contemporary theory. Dr Allan uses a lively informative writing style to engage the students in the eras of social change that spawned the major sociological theories and then applies them to the current era, which also is experiencing major social change.
Part I: Modernity and the Sociological Response
Chapter 1. On Theory
A Lesson From History

Critical Thinking and Theory

Theory in Brief

Building Your Theory Toolbox

Chapter 2. The Evolution of Society: Herbert Spencer (1820-1903)
Theorist's Digest

The Life and Times of Herbert Spencer

Concepts and Theory: Social Evolution

Concepts and Theory: Social Institutions


Building Your Theory Toolbox

Chapter 3. Contradictions in Capitalism: Karl Marx (1818-1883)
Theorist's Digest

The Life and Times of Karl Marx

Concepts and Theory: Human Nature and History

Concepts and Theory: Contradictions in Capitalism

Concepts and Theory: The Problem of Consciousness


Building Your Theory Toolbox

Chapter 4. The Irrationality of Rationality: Max Weber (1864-1920)
Theorist's Digest

The Life and Times of Max Weber

Concepts and Theory: The Rationalization of Society--Religion

Concepts and Theory: The Rationalization of Society--Capitalism

Concepts and Theory: The Rationalization of Society--Bureaucracy

Concepts and Theory: Class, Authority, and Social Change


Building Your Theory Toolbox

Chapter 5. The Problem With Diversity: Emile Durkheim (1858-1917)
Theorist's Digest

The Life and Times of Emile Durkheim

Concepts and Theory: Religious Roots of Society

Concepts and Theory: Social Diversity and Morality

Concepts and Theory: Individualism in Modern Society


Building Your Theory Toolbox

Chapter 6. The Modern Person: George Herbert Mead and Georg Simmel
George Herbert Mead (1863-1931)

Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: Truth, Meaning, and Action

Concepts and Theory: Meaning and Interaction

Concepts and Theory: Making Yourself


Georg Simmel (1858-1918)

Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: The Individual in Society

Concepts and Theory: The Self in the City


Building Your Theory Toolbox

Chapter 7. The Challenges of Gender and Race: Charlotte Perkins Gilman and W. E. B. Du Bois
Charlotte Perkins Gilman (1860-1935)

Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: The Social Evolution of Gender


W. E. B. Du Bois (1868-1963)

Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: Cultural Oppression

Concepts and Theory: The Dark Nations and World Capitalism


Building Your Theory Toolbox

Part II: Contemporary Sociological Theory
Chapter 8. Structural Functionalism: Talcott Parsons, Robert K. Merton, and Jeffrey C. Alexander
Social Systems: Talcott Parsons

Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: Making the Social System

Concepts and Theory: System Functions and Control


Unanticipated Consequences and Ambivalence: Robert K. Merton

Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: Critiquing Parsons' Functionalism

Concepts and Theory: Dynamic Functionalism


Democracy and Civil Society: Jeffrey C. Alexander

Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: The New Civil Sphere

Concepts and Theory: Civil Institutions

Concepts and Theory: Civil Society Outcomes


Building Your Theory Toolbox

Chapter 9. Conflict Theory: Lewis Coser, Ralf Dahrendorf, and Randall Collins
The Functional Consequences of Conflict: Lewis Coser

Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: Variation in Conflict

Concepts and Theory: The Integrating Forces of Conflict


Power and Dialectical Change: Ralf Dahrendorf

Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: Power and Group Interests

Concepts and Theory: Conditions of Conflict and Social Change


Emotion and the World in Conflict: Randall Collins

Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: Four Main Points in Conflict Sociology

Concepts and Theory: Geopolitics


Building Your Theory Toolbox

Chapter 10: What Happened to Class? Erik Olin Wright, Daniel Bell, and Pierre Bourdieu
Making Class Count: Erik Olin Wright

Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: Analytical Marxism

Concepts and Theory: Specifying Class


Postindustrial Society: Daniel Bell

Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: Rethinking Society

Concepts and Theory: The Decline of Class

Concepts and Theory: Polity and Culture


Embodying Class: Pierre Bourdieu

Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: Structuring Class

Concepts and Theory: Replicating Class


Building Your Theory Toolbox

Chapter 11. Structures of Racial and Gender Inequality: William Julius Wilson and Janet Saltzman Chafetz
The Declining Significance of Race: William Julius Wilson

Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: American Racial History

Concepts and Theory: Policy Implications


Structures of Gender Inequality: Janet Saltzman Chafetz

Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: Coercive Structures of Gender Inequality

Concepts and Theory: Changing Gender Inequality


Building Your Theory Toolbox

Chapter 12. Exchange Theory: George Homans, Peter Blau, and Randall Collins
Elementary Forms of Social Behavior: George Homans

Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: Basic Principles of Behavioral Psychology


Social Exchanges and Power: Peter Blau

Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: Social Exchanges

Concepts and Theory: Creating Power and Social Structures


Ritualized Exchanges: Randall Collins

Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: Emotion--The Generalized Media of Exchange

Concepts and Theory: Interaction Ritual Chains (IRCs)

Concepts and Theory: The Ritualized Production of Stratification


Building Your Theory Toolbox

Chapter 13. Self and Situation: Erving Goffman, R. S. Perinbanayagam, and Harold Garfinkel
Managing Your Self-Image: Erving Goffman

Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: Impression Management

Concepts and Theory: Frames and Keys


The Language of the Self: R. S. Perinbanayagam

Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: Dialogic Acts and Agency

Concepts and Theory: Language of Identity


Organizing Ordinary Life: Harold Garfinkel

Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: Everyday Social Order as an Accomplishment

Concepts and Theory: Doing Society--Reflexively


Building Your Theory Toolbox

Part III: Contemporary New Visions and Critiques
Chapter 14. Problems in Modernity: Jurgen Habermas and Anthony Giddens
Democracy in Danger: Jurgen Habermas

Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: Capitalism and Legitimation

Concepts and Theory: The Colonization of Democracy

Concepts and Theory: Communicative Action and Civil Society


Runaway Modernity: Anthony Giddens

Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: The Dynamics of Modernity

Concepts and Theory: The Experience of Modernity


Building Your Theory Toolbox

Chapter 15. Globalizing Systems: Immanuel Wallerstein and Manuel Castells
Global Capitalism: Immanuel Wallerstein

Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: The Dialectics of Capitalism

Concepts and Theory: The End of the World as We Know It


The Network Society: Manuel Castells

Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: Information Technology

Concepts and Theory: Networks, Identities, and Democracy


Building Your Theory Toolbox

Chapter 16. Upsetting Reality: Michel Foucault and Jean Baudrillard
Defining the Possible and Impossible: Michel Foucault

Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: The Truth About Truth

Concepts and Theory: The Practices of Power

Concepts and Theory: Disciplining the Body


The End of Everything: Jean Baudrillard

Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: Mediating the World

Concepts and Theory: Losing the World

Concepts and Theory: The Postmodern Person


Building Your Theory Toolbox

Chapter 17. Politics of Identity: Dorothy E. Smith, Patricia Hill Collins, and Cornel West
Gendered Consciousness: Dorothy E. Smith

Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: The Problem With Facts

Concepts and Theory: The Standpoint of Women


Race and Matrices of Domination: Patricia Hill Collins

Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: The Standpoint of Black Women

Concepts and Theory: Intersectionality and Matrices of Domination


Race and Democracy: Cornel West

Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: Black Existence in America

Concepts and Theory: The Post-Democratic Age


Building Your Theory Toolbox

About the Author

An excellent, essential text for students in sociology!

Miss Engela Van der klashorst
biokinetics, sport and recreation, University of Pretoria
June 22, 2015

The Social Lens is a well-written and comprehensive text that explores theorists proposals regarding inequality. I would recommend this text for anyone seeking to develop a course in sociological theory that will provide a great overview of theories that are essential to the field of sociology. This text is easy to read and is complete with several tables and figures that provide a useful visual description of complex sociological concepts.

Ms Michelle Holliday
Sociology Dept, Portland State University
September 12, 2014

Sticking with Edles and Appelrouth, Sociological Theory in the Classical Era: Text and Readings.

Professor Carol Thompson
Sociology Crim Just Anth Dept, Texas Christian University
August 24, 2014

This book provides excellent overviews of sociological theories, from the basic, consensus and conflict perspectives to their contemporary and more complex post modern understandings. The book would be most useful for A-level and first year undergraduate students, who are developing their critical thinking and evaluation skills.

Mr Dennis Hamilton
Humanities, Bournville College of Further Education
August 12, 2014

Great critical thinking exercises, good organization and breadth of topics. The reading level was good for an undergraduate course.

Professor Joseph Simpson
Sociology , Texas A&M San Antonio
December 2, 2013

A text which is recommended as background reading for students.
Well written and clear.

Dr Kate D'Arcy
social studies, Bedfordshire University
November 30, 2013

will be used with level 5 and 6 also

Dr Donna Peacock
Faculty of Education and Society, Sunderland University
November 21, 2013

This book gives dissertation students an excellent review of the sociological theory they have studied in previous modules, allowing them the deeper insight and connection such a text brings

Mrs Fiona Porter
Dept of Social Sciences & Humanities, Bradford University
September 9, 2013

Excellent -- even better than the second edition! Easy to read, easy to use. I like the added piece on critical thinking and the exercises in critical thinking at the end of each chapter.

Dr Marilyn Swisher
Family, Youth & Community Sciences, University of Florida
September 6, 2013

Good introduction and discussion of thinking sociologically

Dr Andrzej Zieleniec
Sociology , Keele University
August 15, 2013

For instructors

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ISBN: 9781412992787

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