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55 Tactics for Implementing RTI in Inclusive Settings

55 Tactics for Implementing RTI in Inclusive Settings

Edited by:

December 2009 | 216 pages | Corwin
As students with disabilities and learning differences are included in general education settings in greater numbers, educators need easy and simple access to authentic information about effective teaching. This resource provides all teachers, regardless of level, experience, or area of specialization, with effective instructional strategies for students with/without disabilities and across grade levels and content areas.

Drawing from evidenced-based models of instruction, 55 Tactics for Teaching Diverse Learners in Inclusive Settings is organized around four components of instruction—planning, managing, delivering, and evaluating—and allows teachers to respond to instructional diversity by using classroom-tested tactics backed by relevant research. Readers will also find:

- A reproducible checklist of accommodations/modifications

- A worksheet for planning and implementing accommodations/modifications

- References and additional readings

- A list of selected Internet resources for accommodations/modifications

This is the third volume of a collection of practices for use at the elementary level, at the secondary level, and practices designed specifically for teaching students with disabilities.

Also see:

63 Tactics for Teaching Diverse Learners, Grades 6-12

63 Tactics for Teaching Diverse Learners, K-6

About the Authors
Part I. Planning Instruction
1. Decide What to Teach
Assess to Identify Gaps in Performance

Establish Logical Sequences of Instruction

Consider Contextual Variables

2. Decide How to Teach
Set Instructional Goals/Establish Performance Standards

Choose Instructional Methods and Materials

Establish Grouping Structures

Pace Instruction Appropriately

Monitor Performance and Replan Instruction

3. Communicate Realistic Expectations
Teach Goals, Objectives, and Standards

Teach Students to Be Active, Involved Learners

Teach Students Consequences of Performance

Part II. Managing Instruction
4. Prepare for Instruction
Set Classroom Rules/Communicate and Teach Classroom Rules

Communicate Consequences of Behavior

Handle Disruptions Efficiently

Teach Students to Manage Their Own Behavior

5. Use Time Productively
Establish Routines and Procedures

Organize Physical Space

Allocate Sufficient Time to Academic Activities

6. Establish Positive Environments
Make the Classroom a Pleasant, Friendly Place

Accept Individual Differences

Establish Supportive, Cooperative Learning Environments

Create a Nonthreatening Learning Environment

Part III. Delivering Instruction
7. Present Information
Gain and Maintain Attention

Review Prior Skills or Lessons

Provide Organized, Relevant Lessons

Show Enthusiasm and Interest

Use Rewards Effectively

Consider Level and Student Interest

Model Thinking Skills

Teach Fact-Finding Skills

Teach Divergent Thinking

Teach Learning Strategies

Develop Automaticity

Vary Opportunities for Practice/Vary Methods of Practice

Monitor Amount of Work Assigned

8. Monitor Presentations
Give Immediate, Frequent, Explicit Feedback/Provide Specific Praise and Encouragement

Model Correct Performance

Provide Prompts and Cues

Check Student Understanding

Monitor Performance Regularly/Monitor Performance During Practice

Use Peers to Improve Instruction

Provide Opportunities for Success/Limit Opportunities for Failure

Monitor Engagement Rates

9. Adjust Presentations
Adapt Lessons to Meet Student Needs

Provide Varied Instructional Options

Alter Pace

Part IV. Evaluating Instruction
10. Monitor Student Understanding
Check Understanding of Directions

Check Procedural Understanding

Monitor Student Success Rate

11. Monitor Engaged Time
Check Student Participation/Teach Students to Monitor Their Own Participation

12. Keep Records of Student Progress
Teach Students to Chart Their Own Progress

Regularly Inform Students of Performance

Maintain Records of Student Performance

13. Use Data to Make Decisions
Use Student Progress to Make Teaching Decisions

Use Data to Decide If More Services Are Warranted/Use Student Progress to Decide When to Discontinue Services

Appendix A: RTI Accommodations/Modifications Checklist
Appendix B: RTI Accommodations/Modifications Worksheet
Appendix C: Documentation of RTI Accomodations/Modifications
Additional Readings
Selected Internet Resources: RTI Accomodations/Modifications

"This exceptionally practical book can make a real difference in every classroom. Educators who follow with intensity the wisdom in this book and apply the specific tactics will ensure success for all students. The authors present a healthy attitude toward educators taking personal responsibility to teach for learning."

Wanda Oden, Assistant Superintendent
Kingman Unified School District No. 20, AZ

"Campbell gives teachers a compass of well-researched tactics to navigate RTI in inclusive classrooms. Teaching diverse learners in inclusive settings can be an overwhelming task. This book is my bible for effectively completing multiple tasks with my students, who often have varying needs."

Tina M. Guard, Graduate Student and Teacher
University of Nevada

"A quick and easy reference for general and special educators. The research-based strategies in this book address challenging classroom situations with ease and effectiveness. The specific examples provide solutions for teachers dealing with a great variety of learning differences. This book provides a valuable resource for any school implementing an RTI model."

Jennifer Collins, Special Education Teacher

Sample Materials & Chapters


Chapter 1: Decide What to Teach

For instructors

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ISBN: 9781412942409