Abnormally aggressive or seriously irresponsible conduct
Acceptable Behaviour Contracts
Accommodation of children
Accountability, local authority
Accountability, social worker
Admission, compulsory hospital
Adoption and Children Act 2002
Adult safeguarding enquiry
Age of criminal responsibility
Anti-discrimination legislation
Anti-social Behaviour Orders
Approved Mental Capacity Professional
Approved Mental Health Professionals
Baby P (aka Baby Peter, Peter Connolly)
British Association of Social Workers (BASW)
Care and Support statutory guidance
Care homes, care homes with nursing
Cheshire West and Chester
Child Protection Conference
Child Safeguarding Boards
Child Safeguarding system
Children and Families Act 2014
Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service
Children and Social Work Act 2017
Children and young people’s plans
Choice rights, choice of accommodation
Citation of legislation and legal cases
Codes of Practice and Statutory Guidance
Commission for Local Administration
Commission for Social Care Inspection
Common law and common law doctrine of necessity
Community treatment orders
Competencies, professional
Compulsory admission and detention (mental health)
Compulsory protection of adults
Confidentiality and privacy
Contact orders, care order related
Contact orders, private family law related
Convention on the Rights of the Child, UN
Criminal Behaviour Orders
Criminal injury compensation
Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008
Crown Prosecution Service
Delay, no delay principle
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
Detention and Training Orders
Director of Public Prosecutions
Duty of care, local authority
Duty of care, social worker
Education supervision orders
Education, children and young people
Education, Health and Care plans
Education, looked after children
Emergency Protection Order
Employer accountability and duty of care
Enduring Power of Attorney
Equality and Human Rights Commission
European Convention on Human Rights
European Court of Human Rights
Fair Access to Care Services
Family division, High Court
Finance and payments for services
General Social Care Council
Guardians (children’s guardians)
Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC)
Independent Care Act Advocates
Independent Mental Capacity Advocate
Independent Mental Health Advocates
Independent Reviewing Officer
Independent Safeguarding Authority
Inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
Intensive Supervision and Surveillance Programmes
Investigations, child safeguarding
J, K
Lasting Power of Attorney
Legal planning and pre-proceedings
Lexis-Nexis or Lexis Library
Liberty Protection Safeguards
Local authorities, accountability
Local authorities, legal status
Local Child Safeguarding Boards
Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman
Maladministration, public body
Mental Health Act Commission
Mental Health Acts 1983, 2007
National Occupational Standards
NHS Continuing Healthcare
Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman
Penalties, youth offending
Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984
Powers, mandatory and permissive
Prevent, reduce and delay duty
Privacy and confidentiality
Privacy and family life, right to
Professional Capabilities Framework
Quality assurance, service standards
Refugees and people seeking asylum
Registration, children's care provider
Registration, professional social worker
Registration, social care homes
Remands to care or custody
Safeguarding Adults Board
Safeguarding Adults Reviews
Safeguarding Children Partnerships (Safeguarding Partners)
Serious case reviews, adult
Services for children and families
Sexual harm prevention orders
Sexual Offences Prevention Orders
Social worker accountability and registration
Special educational needs
Threshold criteria (care proceedings)
Treatment, community orders
UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Unaccompanied and accompanied child asylum-seekers
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Video links in court evidence
Wishes and feelings of children
Wishes and feelings, adult
Working Together to Safeguard Children
X, Y, Z
Young person, definition of
Youth detention accommodation
Youth Rehabilitation Orders