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Journal of Industrial Relations

Journal of Industrial Relations

eISSN: 14729296 | ISSN: 00221856 | Current volume: 66 | Current issue: 5 Frequency: 5 Times/Year
The Journal of Industrial Relations (JIR) is an ISI-ranked, peer-reviewed international journal owned by the Australian Labour and Employment Relations Association (ALERA). ALERA (formerly the Industrial Relations Society of Australia) was established in May 1958 and the first issue of the Journal of Industrial Relations appeared in the following year. ALERA brings together representatives of management, trade unions, government, the professions and academia.

The journal aims to provide fora for research and discussions on a wide range of industrial relations related issues, including employment and employer practices, work organisation, pay and conditions, labour law and state policies, representation and rights at work, and trade unionism, as well as broader social and economic issues such as job quality, the future of work and digitalisation, workplace health and safety, diversity including gender, ethnicity, age and disability, and modern slavery.

The Journal's mission is to publish high quality research papers that can advance multi-disciplinary knowledge of past, present and future issues relating to employment, work organisation and labour regulation. It promotes improved theoretical understanding of contemporary issues affecting capital and labour and the changing nature of industrial relations in Australia and internationally.

The JIR’s vision is to contribute to academic scholarship, policy debates and professional practice in industrial relations in the twenty first century. We aim to enhance the journal’s reputation in Australia and globally, through a multidisciplinary approach to work and employment issues to ensure the journal contributes to the furthering of theory, knowledge and practice in the industrial relations field.

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Edited by Professors Amanda Pyman and Lucy Taksa with a team of Deputy and Associate Editors, the Journal welcomes contributions from a range of disciplinary perspectives, examining all aspects of industrial relations that contribute to advancing understanding of the field. The journal prides itself in being interdisciplinary and international in scope. It accepts studies of and contributions from all parts of the world and from all humanities and social science disciplines.

While the field of industrial relations is broad, drawing on many disciplines, contributions need to engage with the scholarship in this field and with broader considerations for the employment relationship and the actors within that relationship, including working people, employers, employment institutions (trade unions, employer organisations), civil organisations and the state. Such broader considerations may relate to legislation and regulatory frameworks, technology and technological change, labour market trends, discrimination, and climate change, as they affect or are affected by work and social relations.

Contributions examining traditional and emerging actors and institutions in industrial relations, as well as studies addressing the intersection of the workplace, family, community, and the state, are welcome. We urge all our contributors to locate their empirical work in relevant literatures and debates.

The journal welcomes critical perspectives and multi-level analyses that challenge conceptual and methodological orthodoxies. It publishes rigorous qualitative and multi-method analyses, including theoretically informed case studies and international and comparative papers. The journal accepts critical analysis of research methodologies in industrial relations. However, it does not accept papers that centre on developing or validating research instruments.

Amanda Pyman Deakin University, Australia
Lucy Taksa Deakin University, Australia
Deputy Editors
Donella Caspersz University of Western Australia, Australia
Amanda Coles Deakin University, Australia
Associate Editors
Nikki Balnave Macquarie University, Australia
Larissa Bamberry Charles Sturt University, Australia
Sharlene Leroy-Dyer The University of Queensland, Australia
Tyron Love University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Karin Mathison University of Tasmania, Australia
Michael O’Donnell UNSW Canberra, Australia
Mahan Poorhosseinzadeh Edith Cowan University, Australia
Valeria Pulignano KU Leuven University, Belgium
Troy Sarina University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Mark Wooden University of Melbourne, Australia
Social Media Editor
Editorial Board
Søren Kaj Andersen University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Greg Bamber Monash University, Australia
Janice Bellace University of Pennsylvania, USA
Santina Bertone Central Queensland University, Australia
Marco Biasi University of Milan, Italy
Sara Charlesworth RMIT University, Australia
Premilla D’Cruz Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, India
Jean-Philippe Deranty Macquarie University, Australia
Andreas Diedrich University of Gothenburg, Sweden
David J. Doorey York University, Canada
Tony Dundon University of Limerick, Ireland
Ray Fells University of Western Australia, Australia
Michele Ford The University of Sydney, Australia
Chris Forde University of Leeds, UK
Judy Fudge McMaster University, Canada
Peter Gahan University of Melbourne, Australia
Chris Gibson University of Wollongong, Australia
Anthony Gould Laval University, Canada
Bernadine Van Gramberg Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
David Guest King’s College London, UK
Anita Hammer King’s College London, UK
Josh Healy The University of Newcastle, Australia
Wei Huang Renmin University of China, China
Christian Lyhne Ibsen University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Jun Imai Sophia University, Japan
Sanford Jacoby University of California,USA
Stewart Johnstone University of Strathclyde, UK
Dong-One Kim Korea University, South Korea
Sunghoon Kim The University of Sydney, Australia
Gill Kirton Queen Mary, University of London, UK
Joohee Lee Ewha Womans University, South Korea
Tamara L. Lee Rutgers University, USA
Fang Lee Cooke Monash University, Australia
Adam Seth Litwin Cornell University, USA
Mingwei Liu Rutgers University, USA
Therese MacDermott Macquarie University, Australia
Robert MacKenzie Karlstad University, Sweden
Colm McLaughlin University College Dublin, Ireland
Suzanne Mills McMaster University, Canada
Joellen Riley Munton University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Michelle O'Sullivan University of Limerick, Ireland
Andreas Pekarek University of Melbourne, Australia
Andrew Pendleton UNSW Sydney, Australia
Erling Rasmussen AUT University, New Zealand
Mia Rönnmar Lund University, Sweden
Jill Rubery The University of Manchester, UK
Tania Saba University of Montreal, Canada
Melisa Serrano University of the Philippines, Philippines
Peter Sheldon UNSW Sydney, Australia
Melanie Simms University of Glasgow, UK
Jean-Baptiste Suquet NEOMA, France
Maite Tapia Michigan State University, USA
Julian Teicher Central Queensland University, Australia
Louise Thornthwaite Macquarie University, Australia
Paolo Tomassetti University of Milan, Italy
Jennifer Tomlinson University of Leeds, UK
Keith Townsend Griffith University, Australia
Peter Turnbull University of Bristol, UK
Anil Verma University of Toronto, Canada
Leah Vosko York University, Canada
Adrian Wilkinson Griffith University, Australia & University of Sheffield, UK
Sue Williamson UNSW Canberra, Australia
Kyoung Hee Yu University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Representing the Australian Labour and Employment Relations Association (ALERA)
Neroli Ellis President
Anna Lee Cribb Secretary
Leigh Johns OAM Treasurer
Greg J. Bamber Professor, International Consortium for Research in Employment & Work, Faculty of Business and Economics, Monash University, Australia
Editorial Assistant
Jason Antony Deakin University, Australia
  • Australian Public Affairs Information Service
  • Current Contents / Social and Behavioral Sciences
  • Current Contents/ Social and Behavioral Sciences
  • SciVal
  • Scopus
  • Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI)
  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.

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