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Politics, Philosophy & Economics

Politics, Philosophy & Economics

Published in Association with The Murphy Institute of Political Economy

eISSN: 17413060 | ISSN: 1470594X | Current volume: 23 | Current issue: 4 Frequency: Quarterly

Politics, Philosophy & Economics is a unique forum for the interchange of methods and concepts among political scientists, philosophers and economists interested in the analysis and evaluation of political and economic institutions and practices. The peer-reviewed journal brings moral, economic and political theory to bear on the analysis, justification and criticism of social institutions and public policies, addressing matters such as constitutional design, property rights, distributive justice, the welfare state, egalitarianism, morals of the market, democratic socialism, and the evolution of norms.

"If you are looking for somewhere to publish original and creative work in the area where political science, economics and philosophy come together, the obvious place is Politics, Philosophy and Economics. It is a refreshing change from the numerous journals who are interested only in publishing more-of-the-same." Kenneth Binmore, Emiritus Professor of Economics, University College London

"This is a journal of exceptional quality. It fills an important niche, enriching all three of the disciplines in its title." Allen Buchanan, James B. Duke Professor of Philosophy and Public Policy, Duke University

"Politics, Philosophy and Economics consistently publishes material of the highest quality. It has already found its place in the small handful of top journals in political philosophy." George Klosko, Henry L. and Grace Doherty Professor of Politics, University of Virginia

"In just a few years Politics, Philosophy and Economics has come to be the first place I look for papers at the intersection of these three fields and the first place I think about when considering where I'd like my work at this intersection to appear" Alex Rosenberg, R. Taylor Cole Professor of Philosophy, Duke University

"Politics, Philosophy and Economics exemplifies the best features of a new journal in an established field. It reflects recent developments better than established journals; it connects more effectively across disciplinary divides; and it has a greater freshness and sense of purpose. I’m very impressed" Philip Pettit, L.S. Rockefeller University Professor of Politics and Human Values, Princeton University

"This is an impressive journal that will be of interest to political scientists, as well as to philosophers and economists who take an interest in political affairs" Times Higher Education Supplement

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Politics, Philosophy & Economics aims to bring moral, economic and political theory to bear on the analysis, justification and criticism of political and economic institutions and public policies. The Editors are committed to publishing peer-reviewed papers of high quality using various methodologies from a wide variety of normative perspectives. They seek to provide a distinctive forum for discussions and debates among political scientists, philosophers, and economists on such matters as constitutional design, property rights, distributive justice, the welfare state, egalitarianism, the morals of the market, democratic socialism, population ethics, and the evolution of norms. Of special interest are essays that are widely accessible. Scholars using more specialized techniques (of social choice theory, for example, or of game theory) are encouraged (and given space) to make their arguments and results more accessible to a broader audience.

Avia Pasternak University of Toronto Scarborough, Canada
Ryan Pevnick New York University, USA
David Wiens University of California, San Diego, USA
Founding Editors
Gerald F Gaus University of Arizona, USA
Jonathan Riley Tulane University, New Orleans, USA
Consulting Editors
Thomas Christiano University of Arizona, USA
Andrew Williams ICREA, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain
Associate Editors
Julianna Bidadanure Stanford University, USA
Gillian Brock University of Auckland, New Zealand
Paula Casal ICREA, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain
Mollie Gerver King's College London, UK
Claudio López- Guerra University of Richmond, USA
Adam Omar Hosein Northeastern University, USA
Sean Ingham University of California San Diego, USA
Jack Knight Duke University, USA
Dimitri Landa New York University, USA
Paul Segal Department of International Development, Kings College London
Johanna Thoma University of Bayreuth, Germany
Chad Van Schoelandt Tulane University, USA
Peter Vanderschraaf University of California, Merced, USA
Nicholas Vrousalis Erasmus University Rotterdam,Netherlands
Editorial Assistant
Kellie Warren Tulane University, USA
Editorial Board
Avidit Acharya Stanford University, USA
Elizabeth Anderson University of Michigan, USA
Jenna Bednar University of Michigan, USA
Cristina Bicchieri University of Pennsylvania, USA
Joseph Chan Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Jiwei Ci Oxford University, UK
Chiara Cordelli University of Chicago , USA
Franz Dietrich Paris School of Economics, France
Peter Dietsch University of Victoria, Canada
Keith Dowding Australian National University, Australia
Jessica Flanigan University of Richmond, USA
Marc Fleurbaey Paris School of Economics, France
Michael Freeden Oxford University, UK
Steffen Ganghof Potsdam University, Germany
Pablo Gilabert Concordia University, Canada
Francesco Guala University of Milan, Italy
Lisa Herzog University of Groningen, Netherlands
Brad Hooker University of Reading, UK
Jeffrey Howard University College London, UK
James Johnson Rochester University, USA
David Miller Oxford University, UK
Michelle Moody-Adams Columbia University, USA
Jennifer Morton University of Pennsylvania, USA
Ryan Muldoon University at Buffalo, USA
Jake Nebel Princeton University, USA
Michae Neblo Ohio State University, USA
Martin O'Neill York University, UK
Kristi Olson Bowdoin College, USA
Carmen Pavel King's College London, UK
Elizabeth Maggie Penn Emory University, USA
Jonathan Quong University of Southern California, USA
Geoff Sayre-McCord, University of North Carolina, USA
Gina Schouten Harvard University, USA
Melissa Schwartzberg New York University, USA
Amartya Sen Harvard University, USA
Itai Sher, University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA
Kai Spiekermann London School of Economics, UK
Katie Steele Australian National University, Australia
Anna Stilz Princeton University, USA
Bob Sugden University of East Anglia, UK
Olufemi Taiwo Georgetown University, USA
Robert Taylor University of California, Davis
Ashwini Vasanthakumar Queen's University, UK
Paul Weithman University of Notre Dame, USA
John Weymark Vanderbilt University, USA
Lea Ypi London School of Economics, UK
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  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.

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