Mastering Coaching and Supervision
- Madeline Hunter - Hunter Enterprises Inc, Los Angeles
- Doug Russell - Hunter Enterprises Inc, Los Angeles
July 1995 | 128 pages | Corwin
This practical volume offers administrators and teacher leaders advice on how to maximize the benefit of staff development programmes. The authors address three challenges: How and what trainers should observe in a classroom; how they should analyze these observations; and how they can translate observations into feedback which will encourage teachers to enhance their professional effectiveness.
Education as a Profession
Professionals Grow through Staff Development, Coaching and Supervision
Script Taping
An Essential Tool
Let's Eliminate the Pre-Observation Conference
The Coaching or Supervisory Conference
Planning, Conducting and Evaluating Conferences
Walk-Thru Supervision
Working with the Reluctant Teacher
Peer Coaching or 'Watching Someone Teach'
Staff Meetings that Result in Staff Development
Translating the Program into Reality
Effecting a Reconciliation between Coaching, Supervision and Evaluation
Transcripts for Practice in Analyses and Conferences