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The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science

The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Fatal Police Shootings: Patterns, Policy, and Prevention

July 2020 | 240 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
Each year, more than 1,000 Americans are killed in police-citizen encounters. Fatal police shootings have become commonplace, and their unfortunate frequency continues to shape the public’s perceptions of and individuals’ experiences with safety, legislation, and justice. 

This volume of The ANNALS sheds new light on fatal police shootings, the institutional practices that perpetuate them, and the policy changes needed to stop their recurrence. Featuring contributions from an interdisciplinary group of scholars, this volume offers timely insight into fatal police shootings and provides a wide range of interventions with the potential to prevent them. 
Lawrence W. Sherman
Evidence-Based Policing and Fatal Police Shootings: Promise, Problems and Prospects
Patterns of Fatal Police Shootings
David Klinger
Organizational Accidents and Fatal Police Shootings: Theory, Research, Policy and Practice
Daniel Nagin
Firearms Availability, Trauma Centers, and Fatal Police Shooting Rates
Gregory Ridgeway
The Role of Individual Officer Characteristics in Police Shootings
Philip Atiba Goff
Predicting Bad Policing: Burdensome and Racially Disparate Policing, Social Psychology, and Routine Activities Theory
Linda Zhao and Andrew Papachristos
Officer Complaint History, Social Networks, and Police Who Shoot
Policy-Making and Fatal Police Shootings
Franklin E. Zimring
Police Killings as a Problem of Governance
Geoffrey Alpert, Jeff Rojek, Scott Wolfe and Kyle McLean
Social Interaction Training to Reduce Police Use of Force
Robin Engel, Hannah McManus, and Gabrielle Isaza
Moving Beyond “Best Practice:” The Need for Evidence to Reduce Officer-Involved Shootings
Harold Pollack and Keith Humphreys
Reducing violent incidents between police officers and people with psychiatric and substance abuse disorders
Preventing Avoidable Fatalities
Sara F. Jacoby, Paul M. Reeping, and Charles C. Branas
Police Transport of Shooting Victims to Hospitals: Effectiveness and Scalability
Thomas O’Brien, Tracey L. Meares, and Tom R. Tyler
Reconciling Police and Communities With Apologies, Acknowledgements, or Both: A Randomized Experiment
Lawrence W. Sherman
Preventing Avoidable Deaths in Police Encounters With Citizens
Afterword: A Policy-Maker’s View
Laurie O. Robinson
Fatal Police Shootings and the US Department of Justice

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ISBN: 9781071815557
ISBN: 9781071815564