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Psychology of Leadership

Psychology of Leadership

Five Volume Set

May 2014 | 1 863 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd

Research into the psychology of leadership has been gathering momentum in recent decades, as scholars from a variety of academic fields increasingly recognise the value of understanding the inner workings of leadership, influence and power. This 5-volume major work brings together classic and recent papers which examine the topic from all angles and through the lenses of different disciplines. Each volume is introduced by an introductory chapter written by acclaimed editors S. Alexander Haslam and  Stephen Reicher, which contextualise and provide the rationale behind the selection of papers.

Volume 1: Leadership as Individuality: Attributes and Actions

Volume 2: Leadership as Person-Situation Fit: Context and Contingency 

Volume 3: Leadership as Followership: Expectations and Exchange

Volume 4: Leadership as Myth: Politics and Prejudice

Volume 5: Leadership as Group Process: Identity and Influence 

Do Leaders Matter? National Leadership and Growth since World War II

Benjamin Jones and Benjamin Olken
What We Know about Leadership: Effectiveness and Personality

Robert Hogan, Gordon Curphy and Joyce Hogan
Leadership: Do Traits Matter?

Shelley Kirkpatrick and Edwin Locke
Trait-based Perspectives of Leadership

Stephen Zaccaro
Personal Factors Associated with Leadership: A Survey of the Literature

Ralph Stogdill
A Review of the Relationships between Personality and Performance in Small Groups

Richard Mann
The Motivational Effects of Charismatic Leadership: A Self-Concept Based Theory

Boas Shamir, Robert House and Michael Arthur
Toward a Behavioral Theory of Charismatic Leadership in Organizational Settings

Jay Conger and Rabindra Kanungo
The Description of Supervisory Behavior

Edwin Fleishman
Interpersonal Values, Leadership Attitudes, and Managerial “Success”

Edwin Fleishman and David Peters
The Forgotten Ones? The Validity of Consideration and Initiating Structure in Leadership Research

Timothy Judge, Ronald Piccolo and Remus Ilies
Consideration and Initiating Structure: An Experimental Investigation of Leadership Traits

Aaron Lowin, William Hrapchak and Michael Kavanagh
A Path Goal Theory of Leader Effectiveness

Robert House
Intelligence and Leadership: A Quantitative Review and Test of Theoretical Propositions

Timothy Judge, Amy Colbert and Remus Ilies
The Person versus the Situation in Leadership

Robert Sternberg and Victor Vroom
Does Leadership Need Emotional Intelligence?

John Antonakis, Neal Ashkanasy and Marie Dasborough
Predicting Organizational Effectiveness with a Four-Factor Theory of Leadership

David Bowers and Stanley Seashore
Authentic Leadership: Development and Validation of a Theory-based Measure?

Fred Walumbwa, Bruce Avolio, William Gardner, Tara Wernsing and Suzanne Peterson
Using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator as a Tool for Leadership Development? Apply with Caution

James Michael
Toward a Contingency Theory of Leadership Based upon the Consideration and Initiating Structure Literature

Steven Kerr, Chester Schriesheim, Charles Murphy and Ralph Stogdill
Moderator Variables in Leadership Research

Jon Howell, Peter Dorfman and Steven Kerr
An Interactional View of the Emergence of Leadership

Cecil Gibb
Validation and Extension of the Contingency Model of Leadership Effectiveness: A Review of Empirical Findings

Fred Fiedler
A Meta-Analytic Investigation of Fiedler's Contingency Model of Leadership Effectiveness

Michael Strube and Joseph Garcia
Contingency Model of Leadership Effectiveness: Antecedent and Evidential Results

George Graen, Kenneth Alvares, James Orris and Joseph Martella
The Contingency Model of Leadership Effectiveness: An Evaluation

Ahmed Ashour
Leadership in Boundaryless Organizations: Disposable or Indispensable?

Boas Shamir
In the Eye of the Beholder: Cross-Cultural Lessons in Leadership from Project GLOBE

Mansour Javidan, Peter Dorfman, Mary Sully de Luque and Robert House
The Forgotten Follower: A Contingency Model of Leadership and Follower Self-Leadership

Seokhwa Yun, Jonathan Cox and Henry Sims, Jr
Substitutes for Leadership: Their Meaning and Measurement

Steven Kerr and John Jermier
Can Leadership Be Taught? Perspectives from Management Educators

Jonathan Doh
The Effectiveness of Managerial Leadership Development Programs: A Meta-Analysis of Studies from 1982 to 2001

Doris Collins and Elwood Holton III
Research on Leadership Selection and Training: One View of the Future

Fred Fiedler
The End of Leadership: Exemplary Leadership Is Impossible without Full Inclusion, Initiatives, and Cooperation of Followers

Warren Bennis
The Essential Interdependence of Leadership and Followership

Edwin Hollander
Two Decades of Research and Development in Transformational Leadership

Bernard Bass
From Transactional to Transformational Leadership: Learning to Share the Vision

Bernard Bass
The Credibility Factor: What Followers Expect from Their Leaders

James Kouzes and Barry Posner
A Test of Leadership Categorization Theory: Internal Structure, Information Processing, and Leadership Perceptions

Robert Lord, Roseanne Foti and Christy De Vader
Transformational and Transactional Leadership and Their Effects on Creativity in Groups

Dong Jung
Conformity, Status, and Idiosyncrasy Credit

Edwin Hollander
Leader-Member Exchange Model of Leadership: A Critique and Further Development

Richard Dienesch and Robert Liden
Social Exchange in Organizations: Perceived Organizational Support, Leader–Member Exchange, and Employee Reciprocity

Randall Settoon, Nathan Bennett and Robert Liden
Exploring Work Unit Context and Leader-Member Exchange: A Multi-Level Perspective

Claudia Cogliser and Chester Schriesheim
Role of Leadership in the Employee Withdrawal Process

George Graen, Robert Liden and William Hoel
From Ideal to Real: A Longitudinal Study of the Role of Implicit Leadership Theories on Leader-Member Exchanges and Employee Outcomes

Olga Epitropaki and Robin Martin
Follower Behavior and Organizational Performance: The Impact of Transformational Leaders

Sabine Boerner, Silke Eisenbeiss and Daniel Griesser
An Evaluation of Conceptual Weaknesses in Transformational and Charismatic Leadership Theories

Gary Yukl
The Two Faces of Transformational Leadership: Empowerment and Dependency

Ronit Kark, Boas Shamir and Gilad Chen
The Fallacy of Misplaced Leadership

Martin Wood
Role Congruity Theory of Prejudice toward Female Leaders

Alice Eagly and Steven Karau
Managers Doing Leadership: The Extra-Ordinarization of the Mundane

Mats Alvesson and Stefan Sveningsson
Leadership: An Alienating Social Myth?

Gary Gemmill and Judith Oakley
The Romance of Leadership

James Meindl, Sanford Ehrlich and Janet Dukerich
All Things to All People? Perceptions, Attributions, and Constructions of Leadership

Michael Bresnen
The Ambiguity of Leadership

Jeffrey Pfeffer
How Can We Train Leaders if We Do Not Know What Leadership Is?

Richard Barker
Inspecting the Emperor's Clothes: Evidence That Random Selection of Leaders Can Enhance Group Performance

Alexander Haslam, Craig McGarty, Patricia Brown, Rachael Eggins, Brenda Morrison and Katherine Reynolds
The Challenges of Leadership in the Modern World: Introduction to the Special Issue

Warren Bennis
The Great Disappearing Act: Difficulties in Doing “Leadership”

Mats Alvesson and Stefan Sveningsson
Gender, Hierarchy, and Leadership: An Introduction

Linda Carli and Alice Eagly
The Glass Cliff: Exploring the Dynamics Surrounding the Appointment of Women to Precarious Leadership Positions

Michelle Ryan and Alexander Haslam
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Leadership and Narcissism

Malcolm Higgs
Destructive Leadership Behaviour: A Definition and Conceptual Model

Ståle Einarsen, Merethe Aasland and Anders Skogstad
Leadership Ethics: Mapping the Territory

Joanne Ciulla
Motivating Individuals and Groups at Work: A Social Identity Perspective on Leadership and Group Performance

Naomi Ellemers, Dick De Gilder and Alexander Haslam
Social Identity and the Romance of Leadership: The Importance of Being Seen to Be ‘Doing It for Us’

Alexander Haslam, Michael Platow, John Turner, Katherine Reynolds, Craig McGarty, Penelope Oakes, Susan Johnson, Michelle Ryan and Kristine Veenstra
Social Identity and the Dynamics of Leadership: Leaders and Followers as Collaborative Agents in the Transformation of Social Reality

Stephen Reicher, Alexander Haslam and Nick Hopkins
A Special Gift We Bestow on You for Being Representative of Us: Considering Leadership from a Self-Categorization Perspective

Michael Platow, Daan van Knippenberg, Alexander Haslam, Barbara van Knippenberg and Russell Spears
When and Why Leaders Put Themselves First: Leader Behaviour in Resource Allocations as a Function of Feeling Entitled

David de Cremer and Eric van Dijk
Separating Leadership from Leaders: An Assessment of the Effect of Leader and Follower Roles in Organizations

Virginia Vanderslice
A Social Identity Theory of Leadership

Michael Hogg
A Social Identity Analysis of Leadership Endorsement: The Effects of Leader Ingroup Prototypicality and Distributive Intergroup Fairness

Michael Platow and Daan van Knippenberg
Leaders and Their Treatment of Subgroups: Implications for Evaluations of the Leader and the Superordinate Group

Julie Duck and Kelly Fielding
Being Attuned to Intergroup Differences in Mergers: The Role of Aligned Leaders for Low Status Groups

Jolanda Jetten, Julie Duck, Deborah Terry and Anne O'Brien
The Link between Leadership and Followership: How Affirming Social Identity Translates Vision into Action

Alexander Haslam and Michael Platow
Threatened Leadership and Intergroup Competition

Jacob Rabbie and Frits Bekkers
“License to Fail”: Goal Definition, Leader Group Prototypicality, and Perceptions of Leadership Effectiveness after Leader Failure.

Steffen Giessner and Daan van Knippenberg
Influence of Voice on Satisfaction with Leaders: Exploring the Meaning and Process of Control

Tom Tyler, Kenneth Rasinski and Nancy Spodick
Social Identity, Self-Categorization and Leadership: A Field Study of Small Interactive Groups

Kelly Fielding and Michael Hogg
Self-Category Constructions in Political Rhetoric: An Analysis of Thatcher’s and Kinnock’s Speeches Concerning the British Miners’ Strike (1984-5)

Stephen Reicher and Nicolas Hopkins

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ISBN: 9781446295052