Racially Mixed People in America
Edited by:
- Maria P. P. Root - Private Practice, Santa Rosa, California
Other Titles in:
Ethnic Studies (General)
Ethnic Studies (General)
March 1992 | 400 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
Although America has been experiencing a `biracial baby boom' for the last 25 years, there has been a dearth of information about how racially mixed people identify and view themselves as well as relate to one another. Racially Mixed People in America bridges this gap and offers a comprehensive look at all the issues involved in doing research with mixed race people, all in the context of America's multiracial past and present.
Maria P P Root
Within, Between, and Beyond Race
Paul R Spickard
The Illogic of American Racial Categories
Robin L Miller
The Human Ecology of Multiracial Identity
Deborah J Johnson
Developmental Pathways
Toward an Ecological Theoretical Formulation of Race Identity in Black/White Biracial Children
Cookie White Stephan
Mixed Heritage Individuals
Ethnic Identity and Trait Characteristics
Michael C Thornton
The Quiet Immigration
Foreign Spouses of US Citizens, 1945-1985
Carla K Bradshaw
Beauty and the Beast
On Racial Ambiguity
G Reginald Daniel
Passers and Pluralists
Subverting the Racial Divide
Terry P Wilson
Blood Quantum
Native American Mixed Bloods
Carlos A Fernandez
La Raza and the Melting Pot
A Comparative Look at Multiethnicity
Kieu-Linh Caroline Valverde
From Dust to Gold
The Vietnamese Amerasian Experience
Cynthia L Nakashima
An Invisible Monster
The Creation and Denial of Mixed Race People in America
Maria P P Root
Back to the Drawing Board
Methodological Issues in Research on Multiracial People
James H Jacobs
Identity Development in Biracial Children
Ana Mari Cauce et al
Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Social Adjustment of Biracial Youth
Jewelle Taylor Gibbs and Alice M Hines
Negotiating Ethnic Identity
Issues for Black/White Biracial Adolescents
Ronald C Johnson
Offspring of Cross-Race and Cross-Ethnic Marriages in Hawaii
Christine C Iijima Hall
Please Choose One
Ethnic Identity Choices for Biracial Individuals
Amy Iwasaki Mass
Interracial Japanese Americans
The Best of Both Worlds or the End of the Japanese American Community?
Teresa Kay Williams
Prism Lives
Identity of Binational Amerasians
George Kitahara Kich
The Developmental Process of Asserting a Biracial, Bicultural Identity
Michael C Thornton
Is Multiracial Status Unique? The Personal and Social Experience
Christine C Iijima Hall
Coloring Outside the Lines
Philip Tajitsu Nash
Multicultural Identity and the Death of Stereotypes
G Reginald Daniel
Beyond Black and White
The New Multiracial Consciousness
Maria P P Root
From Shortcuts to Solutions