Sociology of Education
Four Volume Set
Edited by:
- Jenny Ozga - University of Oxford, UK
Other Titles in:
November 2016 | 1 416 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
This collection offers a guide to the core issues in the field of sociology of education, drawing on historically-significant material as well as contemporary sources, and offering perspectives from varied and diverse scholarship from across the world. While education is a major policy preoccupation in both ‘developed' countries and emergent economies, sociological knowledge about education is becoming more and more varied and dispersed, as new directions develop in response to older assumptions, and new and rapidly changing policy problems drive enquiry in different directions.
This major work responds to the challenge presented by diversity and differences of perspective in the field, drawing on a wide range of specialisms that allows researchers to ‘see' the field clearly, to understand its development over time, and appreciate its enduring contribution to knowledge.
Volume One: Theories & Methodologies in use
Volume Two: Politics and Policy
Volume Three: Equalities & Identities
Volume Four: Pedagogies & Institutions
This major work responds to the challenge presented by diversity and differences of perspective in the field, drawing on a wide range of specialisms that allows researchers to ‘see' the field clearly, to understand its development over time, and appreciate its enduring contribution to knowledge.
Volume One: Theories & Methodologies in use
Volume Two: Politics and Policy
Volume Three: Equalities & Identities
Volume Four: Pedagogies & Institutions
VOLUME ONE: Theories and Methodologies in Use
On Education and Society
Émile Durkheim
The Sociology of Education
Jean Floud and A.H. Halsey
Functional and Conflict Theories of Educational Stratification
Randall Collins
Michel Foucault on Education: A Preliminary Theoretical Overview
Roger Deacon
The Forms of Capital
Pierre Bourdieu
Understanding Structure and Agency
Sharon Gewirtz and Alan Cribb
The Effects of Education as an Institution
John W. Meyer
Weber on Education and Its Administration: Prospects for Leadership in a Rationalized World
Eugenie Samier`
Working-Class Families and the New Secondary Education
R.W. Connell
The Geography of Inequality: Why Separate Means Unequal in American Public Schools
John R. Logan, Elisabeta Minca and Sinem Adar
Constructing the Sociology of Education as a Unique Discipline: The Cases of Mainland China and Taiwan
Chang, J. and Renjie, Z.
Intersectionality, Critical Race Theory, and the Primacy of Racism: Race, Class, Gender, and Disability in Education?
David Gillborn
Diminishing the Divisions among Us: Reading and Writing across Difference in Theory and Method in the Sociology of Education
Lois Weis, Heather Jenkins and Amy Stich
Renewing Sociology of Education? Knowledge Spaces, Situated Enactments, and Sociological Practice in a World on the Move
Terri Seddon
Teachers’ Work: Institutional Isomorphism and Cultural Variation in the US, Germany and Japan
Gerald K. Le Tendre, David P. Baker, Motoko Akiba, Brian Goesling and Alex Wiseman
VOLUME TWO: Politics and Policy
Promoting Educational Reforms in Weak States: The Case of Radical Policy Discontinuity in Peru
Maria Balarin
New Philanthropy, New Networks and New Governance in Education
Stephen J. Ball
Policy Spaces, Mobile Discourses, and the Definition of Educated Identities
Jason Beech
Politics, Markets and the Organization of Schools
John E. Chubb and Terry M. Moe
Specifying Globalization Effects on National Policy: A Focus on the Mechanisms
Roger Dale
What Is Enlightenment?
Foucault, M.
Consumption, Personalisation and Education Policy
David Hartley
The Knowledge Society and Global Dynamics in Education Politics
Anja P. Jacobi
Educational Evaluation: A Basis for, or a Legitimation of, Educational Policy
Ulf P. Lundgren
Policy Inroads Undermining Women in Education
Catherine Marshall and Michelle Young
Reimagining Attraction and ‘Borrowing’ in Education: Introducing a Political Production Model
Jeremy Rappleye
Decolonizing the Evidence-based Education and Policy Movement: Revealing the Colonial Vestiges in Educational Policy, Research, and Neoliberal Reform
Riyad Ahmed Shahjahan
Traveling Policies: Hijacked in Central Asia
Iveta Silova
The Capitalist State and Public Policy Formation – Framework for a Political Sociology of Educational Policy Making
Carlos Alberto Torres
The Fabrications and Travels of a Knowledge-Policy Instrument
Luis Miguel Carvalho
Schooling in Capitalist America Revisited
Samuel Bowles and Herbert Gintis
VOLUMETHREE: Equalities & Identities
Cherokee School Society and the Intercultural Classroom
Robert Dumont, Jr. and Murray L. Wax
Gender Inequality in Education: Accounting for Women's Subordination
Nelly P. Stromquist
New Modes of Reproducing Social Inequality in Education: The Changing Role of Parents, Teachers, Schools and Educational Policies
Agnès van Zanten
Two Paths to Inequality in Educational Outcomes: Family Background and Educational Selection in the United States and Norway
Liza Reisel
Social Class and Educational Attainment: A Comparative Study of England, Wales, and Scotland
Lindsay Paterson and Cristina Iannelli
Privatization Reform and Inequality of Educational Opportunity: The Case of Chile
Florencia Torche
Excluding the Included: A Reconsideration of Inclusive Education
Roger Slee and Julie Allan
Race, Nation and Education: An Overview of British Attempts to ‘Manage Diversity’ Since the 1950s
Farzana Shain
Internationalisation of Higher Education in South Korea: Reality, Rhetoric, and Disparity in Academic Culture and Identities
Terri Kim
Fields and Institutional Strategy: Bourdieu on the Relationship between Higher Education, Inequality and Society
Rajani Naidoo
Student Self-Formation in International Education
Simon Marginson
The Aftermath of Race: The Politics and Perils of Theorizing Racial Identities in Education in the Age of Information
Cameron McCarthy
Why Ethnic Minority Children Are More Likely to Drop Out of School: A Cultural Capital Perspective–Evidence from Ethnic Minority Rural Communities in the Northwest
Sun Bacai and Xu Jingjian
Poverty, Education, Gender and the Millennium Development Goals: Reflections on Boundaries and Intersectionality
Elaine Unterhalter
Atmospheres of Progress in a Data-based School
Matt Finn
VOLUMEFOUR: Pedagogies & Institutions
Education and College Culture
Marten Shipman
The ‘New’ Sociology of Education and the Study of Learning Environments: Prospects and Problems
Lawrence J. Saha
The Organizational Structure of the School
William B. Tyler
Toward a Theory of Culturally Relevant Pedagogy
Gloria Ladson-Billings
The New Work Order and the Australian Schools
Shirley Grundy and Stewart Bonser
Literacy and Pedagogy in Flux: Constructing the Object of Study from a Bernsteinian Perspective
Gemma Moss
Knowledge and the Curriculum in the Sociology of Education: Towards a Reconceptualisation
Rob Moore and Michael Young
Social Class and Pedagogic Practice
Basil Bernstein
Gender Equality, Pedagogy and Citizenship: Affirmative and Transformative Approaches in the UK
Madeleine Arnot
On the Reception of Foucauldian Ideas in Pedagogical Research
Helena Ostrowicka
The Assembling of Schooling: Discussing Concepts and Models for Understanding the Historical Production of Modern Schooling
Inés Dussel
Understanding Learning Cultures
Phil Hodkinson, Gert Biesta and David James
Knowledge and Cognition: The Sociology of Knowledge Reconsidered
Gerard Delanty
Local Tradition, International Engagement: Challenges for the Asian Professoriate
Anthony Welch
Analyzing Schools as Organizations: Long-Term Permanence and Short-Term Change
Charles E. Bidwell
A New Professionalism? Challenges and Opportunities
Julia Evetts