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Sport and Communication

Sport and Communication

Four Volume Set
Edited by:

June 2016 | 1 520 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd

Sports culture and practice has been intertwined with the media and communication industries since both began to emerge in their contemporary forms in the late 19th century. There has evolved a complex and symbiotic relationship between sport and the communication industries that have has seen the latter re-shape, mediate, finance and even define one of the central tenets of 20thand 21st Century popular culture.  

Across four volumes, this Major Work charts these compelling developments through a selection of the best journal research from around the world.

Volume One:  History and Context: Heroes and Villains
Volume Two: Sport, Media and Communicating Identities
Volume Three: The Sports Communication Industries
Volume Four: Sports and the Digital Age

VOLUME ONE: History and Context: Heroes and Villains
'They Play in Your Home’: Cricket, Media and Modernity in Pre-War Australia

Frazer Andrewes
Long before Arledge . . . Sports and TV: The Earliest Years: 1937–1947 – as Seen by the Contemporary Press

Dave Berkman
Media Sport: Hot and Cool

Susan Birrell and John Loy, Jr
From Our Gaelic Fields: Radio, Sport and Nation in Post-Partition Ireland

Raymond Boyle
Drama in Sports Commentary

Jennings Bryant, Paul Comisky and Dolf Zillmann
Sport and the Media in Ireland: An Introduction

Seán Crosson and Philip Dine
A Speculative Paradigm on the Birth of the Modern Sport Spectacular: The Real Madrid and Eintracht Frankfurt European Cup Final of 1960

Scott Crawford
Sport on Commercial Norwegian Radio 1988 to 2003

P. Dahlen and R. Thomsen
Local Radio Sport from the Producer’s Point of View

Peter Gilmore
How Should We Theorize Sport in a Capitalist Patriarchy?

M. Ann Hall
A Pageant of Sound and Vision: Football’s Relationship with Television, 1936–60

Richard Haynes
‘Lobby’ and the Formative Years of Radio Sports Commentary, 1935–1952

Richard Haynes
The BBC, Austerity and Broadcasting the 1948 Olympic Games

Richard Haynes
BBC Radio and Sport 1922–39

Mike Huggins
The Interdependence of Sport and Culture

Günther Lüschen
Hero Crafting in Sporting Life, an Early Baseball Journal

Lori Roessner
Making Soccer a ‘Kick in the Grass': The Media's Role in Promoting a Marginal Sport, 1975–1977

Thom Satterlee
Assessing the Sociology of Sport: On the Mediasport Interpellation and Commodity Narratives

Lawrence Wenner
The Unholy Alliance: Notes on Television and the Re-making of British Sport

Garry Whannel
Pregnant with Anticipation: The Pre-History of Television Sport and the Politics of Recycling and Preservation

Garry Whannel
From Plantation to Playing Field: Historical Writings on the Black Athlete in American Sports

D.K. Wiggins
VOLUME TWO: Sport, Media and Communicating Identities
Selective Representation of Gender, Ethnicity, and Nationality in American Television Coverage of the 2000 Summer Olympics

Andrew Billings and Susan Tyler Eastman
‘The Grand Old Game’: Football, Media and Identity in Scotland

Raymond Boyle and Richard Haynes
Italian Television Sport Coverage during the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games: A Gender Perspective

Laura Capranica and Fabrizio Aversa
A Content Analysis of News Coverage of Asian Female Olympic Athletes

Chia-Chen Yu
Women Play Sport, but Not on TV: A Longitudinal Study of Televised News Media

Cheryl Cooky, Michael Messner and Robin Hextrum
Gendered Narratives in Spain: The Representation of Female Athletes in Marca and El País

Liz Crolley and Elena Teso
Which Nation, Which Flag? Boxing and National Identities in Ireland

Mike Cronin
The Power of Stereotypes: Anchoring Images through Language in Live Sports Broadcasts

Fabrice Desmarais and Toni Bruce
Liberal and Radical Sources of Female Empowerment in Sport Media

Margaret Carlisle Duncan and Barry Brummett
Separating the Men from the Girls: The Gendered Language of Televised Sport

Michael Messner, Margaret Carlisle Duncan and Kerry Jensen
Women’s Boxing and Related Activities: Introducing Images and Meanings

Jennifer Hargreaves
Sport, National Identity and Public Policy

Barrie Houlihan
Race Relations, Sociology of Sport and the New Politics of Race and Racism

Grant Jarvie and Irene Reid
The Death of a Female Boxer: Media, Sport, Nationalism, and Gender

Roy McCree
Sports Spectacle as Drama: Image, Language, and Technology

Barbra Morris and Joel Nydahl
Dallas with Balls: Televised Sport, Soap Opera and Male and Female Pleasures

Barbara O’Connor and Raymond Boyle
Mapping the Mythical: A Geopolitics of National Sporting Stereotypes

Hugh O’Donnell
Examining Equity in Newspaper Photographs: A Content Analysis of the Print Media Photographic Coverage of Interscholastic Athletics

Paul Mark Pedersen
Mediated Patriot Games: The Construction and Representation of National Identities in the British Television Production of Euro ’96

Emma Poulton
Negotiations and Mediations: Journalism, Professional Status and the Making of the Sports Text

D. Rowe and D. Stevenson
The Gender Gap in the Enjoyment of Televised Sport

Stephanie Lee Sargent, Dolf Zillmann and James B. Weaver III
Televising International Sport: Race, Ethnicity, and Nationalistic Bias

Don Sabo, Sue Curry Jansen, Danny Tate, Margaret Carlisle Duncan and Susan Leggett
Constructing Racial/Ethnic Difference In and Through Dutch Televised Soccer Commentary

Jacco van Sterkenburg, Annelies Knoppers and Sonja de Leeuw
‘Impossible Is a Fact’: Greek Nationalism and International Recognition in Euro 2004

Rodanthi Tzanelli
‘Good Blacks’ and ‘Bad Blacks’: Media Constructions of African-American Athletes in Canadian Basketball

Brian Wilson
VOLUME THREE: The Sports Communication Industries
Twenty20 as Media Event

Nick Anstead and Ben O’Loughlin
Be Like Mike? Michael Jordan and the Pedagogy of Desire

Michael Eric Dyson
The Hungry Games: Television at the Atlanta Olympics

S. Feldman
“You Gotta Appease the People Who Run This Place”: Corporate Ownership and Its Influence on Sports Television Production

Jason Genovese
The Globalization of Sports, the Rise of Non-Western Nations, and the Impact on International Sporting Events

Amit Gupta
Assessing the Sociology of Sport: On Media, Advertising and the Commodification of Culture

Steven Jackson
Unimagined China: Media, Technologies and the Fragmentation of National Olympic Audiences

Kevin Latham
The Global Sport Mass Media Oligopoly: The Three Usual Suspects and More

Alan Law, Jean Harvey and Stuart Kemp
Public Relations and Sport in Promotional Culture

Jacquie L’Etang
Mass Media and the Experience of Sport

Janet Lever and Stanton Wheeler
Sports Page: A Case Study in the Manufacture of Sports News for the Daily Press

M.D. Lowes
More Than a Sporting Touchdown: The Making of American Football in England, 1982–1990

J. Maguire
The Global Media Sports Complex: Key Issues and Concerns

Joseph Maguire
The Marketing of the Women’s National Basketball Association and the Making of Postfeminism

Mary McDonald
Sport as Kitsch: A Case Study of The American Gladiators

Robert Rinehart
The Global Love-Match: Sport and Television

David Rowe
Assessing the Sociology of Sport: On Media and Power

David Rowe
Olympic Spectacle: Opening Ceremonies and Some Paradoxes of Globalization

Alan Tomlinson
The Structure of Televised Football

Brien R. Williams
The Local and the Global in English Soccer and the Rise of Satellite Television

J. William
‘It’s Gotta Be the Shoes’: Youth, Race and Sneaker Commercials

B. Wilson and R. Sparks
VOLUME FOUR: Sports and the Digital Age
Soccer, Broadcasting, and Narrative: On Televising a Live Soccer Match

Andrew Barnfield
Live-Streaming: Will Football Fans Continue To Be More Law Abiding than Music Fans?

Jack Birmingham and Matthew David
New Media, Professional Sport and Political Economy

Jon Dart
Twitter’s Diffusion in Sports Journalism: Role Models, Laggards and Followers of the Social Media Innovation

Peter English
Spain: Media Focus on the Geopolitical Issues of a Major Sporting Event

Emilio Fernández Peña and Miquel de Moragas
Women Reporting Sport: Still a Man’s Game?

Suzanne Franks and Deirdre O’Neill
Sports on Traditional and Newer Digital Media: Is There Really a Fight for Fans?

Walter Gantz and Nicky Lewis
From Broadcast Scarcity to Digital Plenitude: The Changing Dynamics of the Media Sport Content Economy

Brett Hutchins and David Rowe
Sport on the Move: The Unfolding Impact of Mobile Communications on the Media Sport Content Economy

Brett Hutchins
Tales of the Digital Sublime: Tracing the Relationship between Big Data and Professional Sport

Brett Hutchins
Mediating the Olympics

P. David Marshall, Becky Walker and Nicholas Russo
Football's Coming Home? Digital Reterritorialization, Contradictions in the Transnational Coverage of Sport and the Sociology of Alternative Football Broadcasts

Matthew David and Peter Millward
Sports Journalism: Still the ‘Toy Department' of the News Media?

David Rowe
Bill Simmons,, and ESPN’s Corporate Reinvention of Literary Sports Writing Online

Travis Vogan and David Dowling
The Paradoxical Character of Live Television Sport in the Twenty-First Century

Garry Whannel
Establishing a Typology of Social Media Uses in the Sport Industry: A Multidimensional Scaling Study

Chad Witkemper, Matthew Blaszka and Jinwook Chung
The EPL Drama – Paving the Way for More Illegal Streaming? Digital Piracy of Live Sports Broadcasts in Singapore

Donna Wong

Boyle astutely navigates the many layers of sport and communication, navigating the historical with the contemporary, the empirical with the
humanistic, and the local with the global. This collection is a must-have for anyone seeking core underpinnings of the blending of communication with sport.

Dr Andrew C. Billings
Director, Alabama Program in Sports Communication, The University of Alabama, USA

The SAGE BENCHMARKS IN COMMUNICATION: SPORT AND COMMUNICATION is a major collection  including contributions from leading sports media and communications scholars and professionals from around the world. It pulls together key articles from over the years, and also highlights current research, new ideas and key issues. This volume is an essential reference for any advanced student, researcher or practitioner with an interest in sport communication, sport culture, communication theory, journalism, or media studies.

Yang Zhen
Associate Professor Journalism & Communication, Department of Sport Culture and Media, Tianjin University of Sport

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ISBN: 9781473913066