The Family-School Connection
Theory, Research, and Practice
Edited by:
- Bruce A. Ryan - University of Guelph, Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition, Ontario, Canada
- Gerald R. Adams - University of Guelph, Canada, Utah State University, USA
- Thomas P. Gullotta - Child and Family Agency (CT), USA, Child and Family Agency (CT)
- Roger P. Weissberg - University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
- Robert L. Hampton - Tennessee State University, United States
June 1995 | 384 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
What is the nature of the relationships between family variables and children's successes in school? An examination of this question is the basis of this volume. Building on a model for evaluating the relationships between families, schools and children, the contributors analyze: how school achievement is influenced by parent-child interactions; how early adolescents are affected by the overlapping `spheres of influence' of school, family, community and peer group; and how family environment influences educational attainment. Other issues discussed include: education for children with learning difficulties; school truancy; and the effects of parental discord and divorce on children's learning. In conclusion, the book offers examples of prevention and intervention.
Thomas P Gullotta
Series Editor's Introduction
It Is in Our Best Interest
Bruce A Ryan and Gerald R Adams
The Family-School Relationships Model
Ellen S Amatea and Peter A D Sherrard
Inquiring into Children's Social Worlds
A Choice of Lenses
Diane Scott-Jones
Parent-Child Interactions and School Achievement
Joyce L Epstein and Seyong Lee
National Patterns of School and Family Connections in the Middle Grades
Jay D Teachman, Randal D Day and Karen Price Carver
The Impact of Family Environment on Educational Attainment
Do Families Make a Difference?
Robert-Jay Green
High Achievement, Underachievement and Learning Disabilities
A Family Systems Model
Rex Forehand, Lisa Armistead and Karla Klein
Children's School Performance
The Roles of Interparental Conflict and Divorce
Jane Corville-Smith
Truancy, Family Processes, and Interventions
Robert W Plant and Patricia A King
The Family Resource Center
A Community-Based System of Family Support Services
Annette U Rickel and Evvie Becker-Lausen
Intergenerational Influences on Child Outcomes
Implications for Prevention and Intervention