Understanding Organized Crime in Global Perspective
A Reader
First Edition
Edited by:
- Patrick J. Ryan - Long Island University, Brooklyn, NY, USA
- George E. Rush - California State University, Long Beach, USA
Other Titles in:
White Collar Crime (General)
White Collar Crime (General)
October 1997 | 264 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
Long encouraged by the International Association for the Study of Organized Crime, the current research on this broad and intriguing topic is systematically brought together in this exemplary reader. Understanding Organized Crime presents a rich collection of articles by outstanding researchers in the field who examine empirical research examples, salient issues and their explication, and provide a theoretical foundation to serve as a guide into further explorations. Skilfully edited, this accessible and timely volume focuses on areas and trends such as: the nature of organized crime; theoretical perspectives; organized crime in Russia, Eastern Europe and Hong Kong, with predictions for the next century; the diversity of activities and structures; and how the law enforcement community responds to organized crime.
Selected Readings
Donald Ray Cressey
The Functions and Structure of Criminal Syndicates
Excerptes from the President's Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice Task Force Report: Organized Crime
Joseph L Albini
Donald Cressey's Contribution to the Study of Organized Crime
An Evaluation
Charles H Rogovin and Frederick T Martens
The Evil that Men Do
Selected Readings
Robert J Kelly
Trapped in the Folds of Discourse
Theorizing about the Underworld
Mark H Haller
Bureaucracy and the Mafia
An Alternative View
Selected Readings
Joseph L Albini
The Mafia and The Devil
What They Have in Common
Thomas A Firestone
Mafia Memoirs
What They Tell Us about Organized Crime
Selected Reading
Robert M Lombardo
The Social Organization of Organized Crime in Chicago
Robert Davidson
Asian Gangs and Asian Organized Crime in Chicago
Maurice Punch
Bandit Banks
Financial Services and Organized Crime
David L Carter
International Organized Crime
Emerging Trends in Entrepreneurial Crime
Selected Readings
Joseph L Albini et al
Russian Organized Crime
Its History, Structure and Function
Robert J Kelly, Rufus Schatzberg and Patrick J Ryan
Primitive Capitalist Accumulation
Russia as a Racket
J Michael Waller and Victor J Yasmann
Russia's Great Criminal Revolution
The Role of the Security Services
Selected Readings
James J McKenna, Jr
Organized Crime in the Royal Colony of Hong Kong
John Dombrink and John Song
Hong Kong after 1997
Transnational Organized Crime in a Shrinking World
Ken Sanz and Ira Silverman
The Evolution and Future Direction of Southeast Asian Criminal Organizations