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Communication Research

Communication Research

Silvia Knobloch-Westerwick Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
Stephen A. Rains University of Arizona, USA

eISSN: 15523810 | ISSN: 00936502 | Current volume: 51 | Current issue: 8 Frequency: 8 Times/Year

For over three decades researchers and practitioners have depended on Communication Research for the most up-to-date, comprehensive and important research on communication and its related fields.

Important, In-Depth Research and Scholarship

Communication processes are a fundamental part of virtually every aspect of human social life. Communication Research publishes articles that explore the processes, antecedents, and consequences of communication in a broad range of societal systems. Although most of the published articles are empirical, we also consider overview/review articles. These include the following:

  • mass media
  • interpersonal
  • health
  • political
  • entertainment
  • advertising/persuasive communication
  • new technology, online, computer-mediated and mobile communication 
  • organizational
  • intercultural
  • group
  • family

Communication Research takes you to the cutting-edge of research and theory in all areas within the field of communication. It serves as the international forum aimed at the academic or professional interested in current research in communication and its related fields.

Why you need Communication Research

  • Research and theory presented in all areas of communication give you comprehensive coverage of the field
  • Rigorous, empirical analysis provides you with research that’s reliable and high in quality
  • The multi-disciplinary perspective contributes to a greater understanding of communication processes and outcomes
  • "Themed issues" bring you in-depth examinations of a specific area of importance, as thematically connected articles selected in the standard peer-review process are conveniently presented in a single issue
  • Expert editorial guidance represents a wide range of interests from inside and outside the traditional boundaries of the communication discipline

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Empirical research in communication began in the 20th century, and there are more researchers pursuing answers to communication questions today than at any other time. The editorial goal of Communication Research is to offer a special opportunity for reflection and change in the new millennium. To qualify for publication, research should, first, be explicitly tied to some form of communication; second, be theoretically driven with conclusions that inform theory; third, use the most rigorous empirical methods OR provide a review of a research area; and fourth, be directly linked to the most important problems and issues facing humankind. Criteria do not privilege any particular context; indeed, we believe that the key problems facing humankind occur in close relationships, groups, organizations, and cultures. Hence, we hope to publish research conducted across a wide variety of levels and units of analysis.

Silvia Knobloch-Westerwick Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
Stephen Rains University of Arizona, USA
Former Editors
Jennifer Gibbs University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Pamela Shoemaker Syracuse University, USA
Michael E. Roloff Northwestern University, USA
Charles R. Berger University of California, Davis, USA
Sandra J. Ball-Rokeach University of Southern California, USA
Peter R. Monge University of Southern California, USA
Steven H. Chaffee Stanford University, USA
F. Gerald Kline University of Minnesota, USA
Editorial Board
Sun Joo (Grace) Ahn University of Georgia, USA
Michael R. Allen University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, USA
Lindsey Aloia University of Arkansas, USA
Eran Amsalem The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Julie Andsager University of Tennessee, USA
Florian Arendt University of Vienna, Austria
Erica Weintraub Austin Washington State University, USA
Christian Baden The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Sandra J. Ball-Rokeach University of Southern California, USA
William Barley University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA
Matthew Barnidge University of Alabama, USA
Anne Bartsch University of Leipzig, Germany
Michael Beam Kent State University, USA
Christopher Beaudoin Boston University, USA
Charles R. Berger University of California, Davis, USA
Andrew Billings University of Alabama, USA
Robin Blom Ball State University, USA
Bradley Bond University of San Diego, USA
Robert Bond The Ohio State University, USA
James Bonus The Ohio State University, USA
Porismita Borah Washington State University, USA
Shelley Boulianne University of Southhampton, UK
Hans-Bernd Brosius Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich, Germany
Tricia Burke University of Arizona, USA
Daniel J. Canary University of Utah, USA
Scott Caplan University of Delaware, USA
Joseph N. Cappella University of Pennsylvania, USA
Michael X. Delli Carpini University of Pennsylvania, USA
John Caughlin University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Stella C. Chia City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Hichang Cho National University of Singapore, Singapore
Hyunyi Cho The Ohio State University, USA
Jaeho Cho University of California - Davis, USA
Drew Cingel University of California, Davis, USA
Jason Coronel The Ohio State University, USA
Glenn Cummins Texas Tech University, USA
Claes de Vreese University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Amy Delaney Millikin University, USA
James P. Dillard Pennsylvania State University, USA
Travis L. Dixon University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Sharon Dunwoody University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Morgan Ellithorpe University of Delaware, USA
William P. Eveland Jr. The Ohio State University, USA
Thomas Feeley, PhD University of Buffalo, USA
Lauren Feldman Rutgers University, USA
Bo Feng University of California, Davis, USA
Edward L. Fink Temple University, USA
Sophia Fu Rutgers University, USA
Yuki Fujioka Georgia State University, USA
Stefan Geiß Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Darren Gergle Northwestern University, USA
Amy Gonzales University of California Santa Barbara, USA
Melanie Green University at Buffalo, USA
Jacob Groshek Kansas State University, USA
Lei Guo Fudan University, China
M Hameleers University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Tilo Hartmann Vrije University Amsterdam, Netherlands
Andrew High Pennsylvania State University, USA
Itai Himelboim University of Georgia, USA
Jay Hmielowski University of Florida, USA
Cynthia A. Hoffner Georgia State University, USA
R. Lance Holbert University of Pennsylvania, USA
Amanda J. Holmstrom Michigan State University, USA
Traci Hong Boston University, USA
J. Brian Houston University of Missouri, USA
Myiah Hutchens University of Florida, USA
Yoori Hwang Myongji University, South Korea
Leo Jeffres Cleveland State University, USA
Jakob Jensen University of Utah, USA
Yan Jin University of Georgia, USA
Benjamin Johnson University of Florida, USA
Susanne M. Jones University of Minnesota, USA
Jennifer Kam University of California - Santa Barbara, USA
Kate Kenski University of Arizona, USA
Young Yun Kim University of Oklahoma, USA
Spiro Kiousis University of Florida, USA
Jan Kleinnijenhuis Free University, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Tetsuro Kobayashi City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Thomas Koch Johannes Gutenberg University at Mainz, Germany
Ascan Koerner University of Minnesota, USA
Matt Koschmann University of Colorado Boulder, USA
Nicole Krämer University Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Chih-Hui Lai National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Sophie Lecheler University of Vienna, Austria
Andrew Ledbetter Texas Christian University, USA
Andrew M. Ledbetter Texas Christian University, USA
Chul-joo Lee Seoul National University, South Korea
Eun-Ju Lee Seoul National University, South Korea
Francis Lee The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Siyue Li Zhejiang University, China
Marie-Louise Mares University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Dana Mastro University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Gina M. Masullo University of Texas, Austin, USA
Jorg Matthes University of Vienna, Austria
Patrick C. Meirick University of Oklahoma, USA
Jingbo Meng Michigan State University, USA
Miriam Metzger University of California Santa Barbara, USA
Peter R. Monge University of Southern California, USA
Patricia Moy University of Washington, USA
Xiaoli Nan University of Maryland, USA
German Neubaum University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Katherine Ognyanova Rutgers University, USA
Mary Beth Oliver Pennsylvania State University, USA
Zhongdang Pan University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Charles Pavitt University of Delaware, USA
Jochen Peter University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Andrew Pilny University of Kentucky, USA
Bruce E. Pinkleton Washington State University, USA
Brian Quick University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Stephen Rains University of Arizona, USA
Nancy Rhodes Michigan State University, USA
Rajiv N. Rimal George Washington University, USA
Emma Rodero Pompeu Fabra University, Spain
Hernando Rojas University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Michael Elwood Roloff Northwestern University, USA
Patricia Rossini University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK
Ann Rousseau KU Leuven, Belgium
Erica Scharrer University of Massachusetts, USA
Paul Schrodt Texas Christian University, USA
Chris Segrin University of Arizona, USA
Liesel Sharabi Arizona State University, USA
Cuihua Shen University of California, Davis, USA
Lijiang Shen Pennsylvania State University, USA
Pamela J. Shoemaker Syracuse University, USA
Patricia Sias University of Arizona, USA
Marko Skoric City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Michael Slater The Ohio State University, USA
Dongyoung Sohn Hanyang University, South Korea
Denise Solomon Pennsylvania State University, USA
Michael T. Stephenson Texas A&M University, USA
S. Shyam Sundar Pennsylvania State University, USA
Alex Susskind Cornell University, USA
David Tewksbury University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Jennifer A. Theiss Rutgers University, USA
Catalina Toma University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Patti M. Valkenburg University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Brandon Van Der Heide James Madison College, Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA
Toni van der Meer University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Lyn Van Swol University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Vincent R. Waldron Arizona State University, USA
Nathan Walter Northwestern University, USA
Joseph B. Walther University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Matthew Weber University of Minnesota USA
Brian Weeks University of Michigan, USA
Ran Wei The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Steven Wilson University of South Florida, USA
Stephan Winter University of Kaiserslautern-Landau, Germany
Janet Yang State University of New York at Buffalo, USA
Sung-Un Yang Indiana University, USA
Y. Connie Yuan Cornell University, USA
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