Ken Plummer University of Essex, UK
I arrived at Essex in January 1975 to teach social psychology and the sociology of deviance. The following year I also started a long standing link with the Sociology Department at the University of California at Santa Barbara where I also taught for many years. Over the years, I have held many roles at Essex including Graduate Director and Head of Department; and have researched and written widely on sexuality (especially lesbian and gay studies, and since the late 1980's, queer studies). My main interests have always been in the development of a humanistic method and theory to help towards a better social world where there will be less socially produced suffering. My methodological concerns have been with the development of narrative, life story, symbolic interactionism and the post-modern turn. My approach is that of a critical humanist.
I am still young in heart, but sadly felt the need to retire in 2006, requiring transplant surgery in 2007. Recovering well, I now have quite a few books in me to write, and look forward to a continuous engagement with a wonderful department, continuing to see students – undergraduate and graduate - whenever I can.
Frequency: 8 Times/Year