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Julianne Cheek, PhD Østfold University College, Norway

Julianne Cheek is a professor at Østfold University College, Norway. She is editor in chief of Qualitative Health Research, as well as being an editorial board member of a number of journals related to qualitative inquiry. Her publications reflect her ongoing interest in qualitative inquiry and the politics of that inquiry. In 2010-2012, she had the honor of serving as the vice president of the International Association of Qualitative Inquiry and currently serves on the External Advisory Board of the International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, held annually at the University of Illinois. She has a long term interest in the teaching and development of courses in research design and methods -  at Masters, Doctoral, and Post-Doctoral levels. Julianne has formal qualifications  in teaching and education and began her working life teaching science in secondary schools. After completing her PhD in social sciences she took up her first academic post teaching nursing students. Since then she has taught research methods to students in a number of health related areas including physiotherapy, nutrition and sport sciences, as well as students in leadership and organizational studies.  She has held senior administrative university posts at a number of universities, including Dean of Graduate Studies. Director of Early Career Development, and Dean Research.