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Journal of Career Development

Journal of Career Development

Published in Association with University of Missouri-Columbia

eISSN: 15560856 | ISSN: 08948453 | Current volume: 51 | Current issue: 6 Frequency: Bi-monthly

The Journal of Career Development (JCD) provides professionals in counseling, psychology, education, student personnel, human resources, and business management with the most up-to-date concepts, ideas, and methodology in career development theory, research, and practice. 

Critical topics covered by JCD include:

  • Application of career theories
  • Generation of emerging theoretical approaches/advances
  • Career development across the life-span
  • Career development of diverse populations (e.g., race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, age, ability status)
  • The work-family connection
  • Career and leisure
  • International perspectives on career development
  • Workplace and workforce issues
  • Career issues in the schools (grades K-12)
  • Innovative career counseling techniques, interventions, and approaches
  • Spirituality and career development
  • Developmental career transitions (e.g., school-to-work; school-to-post-secondary; mid-career changes; career-to-retirement)

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The Journal of Career Development provides professionals, the public, and policymakers with the latest in career development theory, research, and practice, focusing on the impact that theory and research have on practice. Topics covered by the journal include career education, adult career development, career development of special needs populations, career development and the family, and career and leisure. Research reports and discussion of theory are welcome, but practical applications must be presented.

Rachel Navarro University of North Dakota
Associate Editors
Dr. Laura Marks College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences at Florida State University, USA
Margaret Nauta Illinois State University, USA
Editorial Board
Abeer Alrashed King Saud University, Riyadh Saudi Arabia
Jos Akkermans Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Ali Ahmed University of Science and Technology of China, China
LaVerne Berkel University of Missouri-Kansas City, USA
Chia-Lin Tsai University of Northern Colorado, USA
Hung Chiao National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Rachel Gali Cinamon Tel Aviv University, Israel
Altay Eren Abant Izzet Baysal University, Turkey
Sean Flanagan Boston University, USA
Pamela Foley Seton Hall University, USA
Nadya A. Fouad University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Yunkyoung Loh Garrison University of Iowa, USA
Laura Guerrero University of Houston, USA
Madeleine Haenggli University of Bern, Switzerland
Han Na Suh Auburn University, USA
Andreas Hirschi University of Berne, Switzerland
Zhijin Hou Beijing Normal Universtiy, China
Kimberly Howard Boston University, USA
Ae-Kyung Jung Gyeongin National University of Education, South Korea
Neeta Kantamneni University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
Kerrie Wilkins-Yel Indiana University Bloomington, USA
Laura Reid Marks University of Memphis, USA
Bo Hyun Lee New Mexico State University, USA
Heather Lyons Loyola University of Maryland, USA
Ellen McWhirter University of Oregon, USA
Ellen Hawley University of Oregon, USA
Laura Nota University of Padova, Italy
Delila Owens The University of Akron, USA
Rhea Owens University of Minnesota Duluth, USA
Emir Ozeren Dokuz Eylül University, Turkey
Ellen Peeters Open University, Netherlands
Muhammad Imran Rasheed The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan
Mike Schaub Georgetown University, USA
Shannon McClain University of Missouri-Columbia, USA
Daniel Spurk University of Bern, Switzerland
Graham Stead Cleveland State University, USA
Rebekka Steiner University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, & University of Berne, Switzerland
Hsiu-Lan Tien National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Sherri Turner University of Minnesota, USA
Qingxiong Weng University of Science and Technology of China, China
Yoshie Nakai Eastern Kentucky University, USA
Youngsup Hyun Kyungpook National University, South Korea
Jiajia Zhu Beijing Normal University, China
Student Editorial Board
Ilaria DiMaggio University of Padova, Italy
  • Abstract Journal of the Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC)
  • Clarivate Analytics: Current Contents - Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences
  • Contents Pages in Education (T&F)
  • EBSCO: Educational Administration Abstracts
  • EBSCO: Human Resources Abstracts
  • ERIC Current Index to Journals in Education (CIJE)
  • Educational Research Abstracts Online (T&F)
  • Elsevier Science Direct Navigator
  • Higher Education Abstracts
  • NISC
  • ProQuest Psychology Journals
  • PsycINFO
  • Psychological Abstracts
  • Scopus
  • Social SciSearch
  • Social Sciences Citation Index (Web of Science)
  • Wilson Education Index/Abstracts
  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.

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