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These notes are provided as guidance for Authorised Users. They do not replace the full Terms and Conditions (see below), and in the event of a difference between these and the full Terms and Conditions, the wording of the full Terms and Conditions takes precedence.
You qualify as an Authorised User of the Sage Journals Material to which your institution has a paid electronic subscription if you are: a current member of the academic, library, research or equivalent staff; or an alumnus of the institution at the Site for which a license has been purchased; or a student actively and currently undertaking a course at the Site. If you are a physical visitor to the Library using a public access terminal, you may also be allowed to use the Sage Journals Material.
You may
You may not
Note: Small amounts of the Material means not more than 10% of any individual book or journal issue contained in the product or not more than 5% of the total product. If you wish to use more, please contact the Sage Permissions Department (
Section 1. Rights and Obligations of the Licensee
1.1 The Licensee may use and access and allow Authorised Users (as defined below) to use and access the electronic versions of Sage journals (the Sage Journals Material) which are available to the Licensee via the Licensee's subscription provided always that such access and use is via a secure server over which the Licensee has sufficient control to limit distribution of the Sage Journals Material to the Authorised Users. The Licensee shall ensure that the Notes for Authorised Users below are made available to all Authorised Users and physical visitors to the Site e.g. by means of a connect webpage and/or library information packs. All rights in the Sage Journals Material which are not specifically granted to the Licensee under this License are expressly reserved to Sage.
1.2 The following are Authorised Users of the Sage Journals Material: current (permanent or visiting) members of the academic, library, research or equivalent staff and alumni of the Licensee at the Site (as defined below) and students actively and currently undertaking a course at the Site, who are subject to the Licensee's normal terms and conditions for ensuring compliance with the terms of this License. Physical visitors using public access terminals may access the Sage Journals Material within the Library at the Site, although they will not be considered Authorised Users. Remote electronic access to and use of the Sage Journals Material by people other than Authorised Users is not permitted. Authorised Users may distribute single copies of individual articles in print or electronic form to other Authorised Users within the institution for their personal use.
1.3 These terms and conditions cover use of Sage Journals material within the secure network of the Licensee (the Site).
1.4 The Site: Depending on the license purchased, the secure network may cover a single institutional site (institutional license), an institution or customer covering multiple sites (a multi-site license) or a number of institutions operating under a single license (a consortial license).
1.4 The Licensee may not use or permit Authorised Users to use the Sage Journals Material for the purposes of monetary reward by means of sale, resale, loan, hire, lease or any other form of exploitation.
1.5 The Licensee may store the Sage Journals Material for purely archival purposes.
1.6 The Licensee may make such local electronic copies by means of caching {or mirrored storage} of all or part of the Licensed Materials as are necessary solely to ensure efficient use by Authorised Users and not to make available to Authorised Users duplicate copies of the Sage Journals Material.
1.7 The Licensee may not otherwise store or permit Authorised Users to store the Sage Journals Material on any medium, transfer, reproduce, modify, publish or otherwise exploit the Sage Journals Material except in so far as is reasonable to exercise the rights granted under this License. Neither the Licensee nor the Authorised Users may make any part or parts of the Sage Journals Material available for access by way of remote computing services beyond the Site with the sole exception of remote access by Authorised Users
1.8 The Licensee may use reasonable amounts of the Sage Journals Material to fulfil occasional requests from other, non-participating institutions within the same country, a practice commonly called inter-library loan (ILL). The Licensee agrees to fulfil such requests in compliance with the UK Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 Ch. 48, s. 41 (Eng.), as amended by European Directive 2003, and any other applicable law relating to the physical and digital reproduction and distribution by Libraries of copyrighted works.
The electronic form of the Sage Journals Material may be used as a source for ILL. Only secure electronic transmission such as Ariel or Prospero may be used to fulfil ILL requests. Participating Libraries agree that copyright notices will be sent on all ILL transmissions. Fulfilment of Loansome DocR service requests is permitted. Non-secure electronic transmission of files is not permitted.
For the avoidance of doubt, the Sage Journals Material may not be used by the Licensee or Authorised Users in any form of activity competitive with Sage.
1.9 The Licensee is responsible for all charges associated with accessing the Sage Journals Material, including any charges levied by the intermediary through whom the electronic subscription is delivered, as well as any computer equipment, software, telecommunication or internet connection charges.
1.10 . The Licensee may incorporate parts of the Sage Journals Material in printed course packs and electronic reserve collections for the use of Authorised Users in the course of instruction at the Licensee's institution, but not for commercial use or re-sale. Each such item shall carry appropriate acknowledgement of the source, listing title and author of the extract, title and author of the work, and the publisher. Copies of such items shall be deleted by the Licensee when they are no longer used for such purpose. Course packs in non-electronic non-print perceptible form, such as audio or Braille, may also be offered to Authorised Users who are visually impaired. Permission for other reproduction should be sought from Sage.
1.11 The Licensee may not remove, obscure or modify copyright notices, text acknowledging, attributions or other means of identification or disclaimers as they appear. The Licensee may not alter, adapt or modify the Sage Journals Material, except to the extent necessary to make it perceptible on a computer screen, or as otherwise permitted in this Agreement. Alteration of words or their order is strictly prohibited.
1.12 Save as set out in these terms and conditions, the Licensee may not display or distribute any part of the Sage Journals Material on any electronic network, including without limitation the Internet and the World Wide Web, and any other distribution medium now in existence or hereinafter created, other than by a Secure Network. This Clause shall survive termination of this Agreement for any reason.
1.14 The Licensee and Authorised Users shall have unlimited access to the Sage Journals Material, 24 hours/day, seven days/week. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Sage reserves the right to shut down the Sage Journals platform without prior notice to resolve any technical issues that may arise at any time as determined in Sage’s sole and absolute discretion.
1.15 The Licensee acknowledges that there are certain system requirements that are necessary in order to use the Sage Journals Material on the Sage Journals platform, and the Licensee is financially and technically responsible for ensuring that these requirements are met. These system requirements are: (a) full access to the Internet (TCPIP) and (b) a World Wide Web browser, either Netscape (version 6.0 or higher) or Microsoft Internet Explorer (Version 5.0 or higher). Other suitable browsers should include support for HTML 4.0, XHTML 1.0, and CSS 1 (Cascading Style-sheets). Use of the Administrative Profile Module requires support for Javascript 1.5. SAGE recommends using the most current browsers available.
1.16 In the event that the Licensee ceases to subscribe to Sage Journals content, the Licensee retains a perpetual right of access to the content which was published in the applicable journals during the term of the subscription. Access to that content after termination of this agreement will be available through the Sage Journals platform, through provision of the content for local hosting or via a long-term archiving solution such as Portico.
While the right of access to content subscribed to continues after termination of the subscription, access to non-subscribed back content ceases on termination of the subscription.
Section 2. Obligations of Sage
2.1 Sage warrants that it has the right to license the Sage Journals Material granted to the Licensee under this License. Sage does not make any representation or warranty or accept responsibility for the accuracy, currency, or completeness of the content of the Sage Journals Material. Sage reserves the right to withdraw from the Sage Journals Material any item contained in it or any part of it if Sage believes that such item contains any material which may be legally objectionable, on whatever grounds.
2.2 During the term of the subscription, access will be offered to back volume content files of the Sage Journals where it is available. Access to individual journals varies, but where possible access is provided back to 1999.
Section 3. Notes for Authorised Users
The Licensee is encouraged to print-out, photocopy, place on library webpage or otherwise make available to Authorised Users these notes. (See below and above.)
The entire contents of Sage Journals Material (including individual articles and other material appearing in the journals) are protected by copyright.
Licensed Rights
Electronic access to Sage Journals Material is governed by the terms of licenses which regulate such access. The following notes provide information on some key elements of these licenses.
For further information about this site license, our multi-site and consortia licenses, or for multi-site or consortia quotes, please contact your regional Library/Consortia Sales Manager.